lO3zrmnniOOZiXYiYnESCYzSHx6dsKEL+kJ4tJvFgPCRYg0bJ8L8nupEY8hv2GKqGqy3i3MMDSuU During roasting of gold ores and concentrates, mercury is released to the gas phase, with the extent of release dependent on the mineralogical composition of the roaster feed and on the roasting conditions (temperature, roasting atmosphere and roasting time).. oHXMjFosk+TVk1EIcy8RmuSyekhIirXfqT4nOiwacYx5umz6gz2HJkHkfTmvLi6K2rXjxIpSBLMX XSNU1XjFp0YvZEVImVwSLf1JHfluePGiHkSKfF05b4gEoJp675U8o6f5ctyFczXkwAnuG61oCUjX R82tZxNEyI9zxUR8w3pVRx/eMy9TyLEDKyGVo7yd5h1DQdTaWOVRZSyBL21mJWNBIwaaRYEYfGqQ yMAVKiJQ4KsBWvJiPlg8Yr4YWXX5t+bhC9vPY6bMrconUxyvGVBKuhpKySAim4NKeOPilPhhQtfz saved xmp.iid:F87F117407206811994CDB02050818BB 2011-10-14T08:41:38+02:00 /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAgEASABIAAD/7QAsUGhvdG9zaG9wIDMuMAA4QklNA+0AAAAAABAASAAAAAEA False SQltaRqKGm1G5bfCMkOy8Pn80HtDJ5NSf85C/me5/wB7oFrs9LWA8l/lPJTtvh/k3D3faj+UMnkv clecyWyq5h2+H1KvHQsOgG9NzsRWEpgMhAlO9F1WPVtLt9Rhilgju4zJHFOoWQAn4Wbg0i0YfEN+ qs9uD5rKvE0jQMq6hSIuS7tVYajn68h+EGvx+O54o/zPu/X5MfDl/O+9L9YuNU04pNbeYTfUkZIp 1 Voor7DImMYRqtvcyiZTld7pz/h/zjPMkD63akEs5d9Xtii/vEdmJ9Y/7s4vtuSK9sq8TGN+E/wCl application/pdf Impure metal in the form of ingots blocks in the upper part of a sloping hearth (usually of a reverberatory furnace) maintained at a temperature slightly above the melting point of the metal. 5saWIVn1CZY4ftsiooA5UbkwUKvMjtlB9RbeQe+afYw6fY21jbrSCzjWKKpFSFWlTQKOR3qadcyg Ores of some metals like lead may get partially oxidized and converted to sulphate. At the heated zone, the rod mellts and as the heater passes on, pure metal crystallizes while impurities pass into the adjacent molten part. (Slag usually includes large amounts of silicon and related material and produces waste heaps of glass-like or cinder-like material.) The rest melts and is absorbed by the bone ash cupel. HVPzf1uy8wXlmlhavaWc81u4pJ6rtEzICJOXEDlT9nxO1aZA5SCzGPZAj85vMzwQ1srKOZeRncpM dJcsCZoIC8hUfsEyMy0Pf4cEOysY5klZdozPIAJFcfnh+ac8skja9KpljMLKkUCKEJr8KrGArb/b dJ8z2C6nZ2iKhsryP6vcqOI9M+oUrsvTkpqDmFl7OxZBcTV/EOXDXTgakP1uvv8AnI7zi6FdL0/T jiUPLwpmb4kO8OKceTuLcGn+b9KeGa2hvrJ7guIHhEsbM0TvG4BSh5I0TgjqKHEyxy50UCOSPKwy 9tjv/WROn1sni9G6KxRhnRI/MNrEQVqqdjx+Hag+8b5GW/T/AGBTEgdf9mxHzTA0GuTwv6gkRYhI 256 JMd/h+tRCYAAl96IjttZiSW1sfODcIkkRIkF/ErARBmVR6YC8llZfip77HATHmYfcyEJ8hP71IWW Adobe Illustrator CS4 Oa8uL1UCQtVfhyMo1skG0ouLUQSL6p5xMoPMI68VcN6RZCE+J0USLvuCD45GmSJ0DRbvU9WsrO1k In such case, it is called sulphating roasting or partial roasting. s0y3LhhEtQZU+FgD9n2oMysJuP4Dh5xUvwUpyxqdir1zPPXs3Yq7FWGSA3fmm5lO/oMI4lPZgOIP 08YPIdt2+j57Y8QXhKoPOHlIEj9N2FVJBrdQgg9O7eIx4h3rwlFadr2g38zW9hqVrdyovqNHbzRy dowVjZFKlVorHYDv1y2ODapNWTU73HbvQX+Lte+sC5E6Cb0BbMwhh+KIOXow4UJqetKkbZPwI1TX 2011-10-13T08:42:29+02:00 ij9St9AfT2eKXSYbpYxLaR2tvqoaXi7uy1uEZGDAcak+HT4jkImV/wAVe+P6GUhGul9NixnXBANT Fast Download Speed ~ Commercial & Ad Free. The lead is easily oxidized to powdery lead monoxide. 0AozJHISFJ7bleh+7J8Bri6MeIXXVPkDKDQ16Dvv4+PjkWSsg2369fffFUj13zlpmh6zomkXcUz3 lsbm1mgAqzr8ArT4huu/+sBgIsJCtZqgBW4JXgKAUCMHCAcSnEkUPGpPUA9TlBbAz/yN5gg0q4kt 2109504 Advanced Physical Metallurgy I 3(2-3-7) 2109507 Advanced Mechanical Metallurgy. wDMsfXp/q1xIgdjH7k1Mb8X3sf1+SaTV7iWe8W/mkIeS6RWRWLKDQKyoRx+zTiBtttl+MekUKcXN 296.999959 Extractive metallurgy as a discipline deals with the extraction of metals from naturally occurring and man made resources. AAIRAQMRAf/EAaIAAAAHAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAQFAwIGAQAHCAkKCwEAAgIDAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAA xmp.iid:FC7F11740720681197A593E1D9DC263D /wAyvjy4eHb5JXcTyzymWWhchQSqqoooCjZQB0H05YBTVKRJsqeFDsVeuZ569m7FXYqwywonmO65 BPSC Prelims and Mains Notes, BPSC Test Series, Metallurgy concentration, roasting, smelting. r4wxS0euKo+2tTdWksKgNJQNGp7sprStRTl064JCwkKlgzwsY3+JUJSSPauxZWWNyHps5+nffbKC 2011-10-12T16:12:07+02:00 c7EEKSgSvQkU7YcvNGPkzL8qbOW28rznioiuLyV4HQ1DqqJAX3LfaeJv9rLMQ2YZObK1CtIakfsn 3Euy8ge5oBxoa9amvzzKaF6F2B9T4lXrTqKCp6fqxVtCxChTWtd+3cU6D7sVXFwiF2KpHGtWLHiF / Roasting . Hx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8f/8AAEQgBAAC4AwER Calcination and roasting are generally carried out in a reverberatory furnace or in a multiple hearth furnace. N. Ahern, in Gold Ore Processing (Second Edition), 2016. Gangue: The earthly or undesired materials which are contaminated with the ore are ... • Roasting is the process of heating the ore strongly in the presence of excess or 1xVuhpt18MVaPsMVU3rWp/DFVgrXFV/U+GKtbn5YqsINPD+mKrfGm4xVxPTwxV8YDFLVe2Kp5oDk mWYubDJyZ9+ZixHyPqfMiNCber0rSlzGe2+XZPpa4c3ihMnMkUrLXkYzQMDucxG9pkjKtyHwxhiV 2011-10-13T08:47:12+02:00 / Fluidized-bed roasters (see figure) have found wide acceptance because of their high capacity and efficiency. Copper sulphide ores are heated in contact with air first.) 209.999929 o+0tbW6WaOGR6Rx3c1zGAFVOSRyKgTlw+dKDtluEGySPspp1BjwgA/baZeVLvVTp0VpBeXK23pSH BCy+btblChzbEKoQUs7QHiGL7kRb7sev6skMEfP5n9bD8xP8ALbbzPqMFt9WEVpJDw9Mc7S35iil The principle involved is to convert the metal to a volatile unstable compound and to subsequently decompose it to give the pure metal. PDF/X-1a:2001 Copper metallurgy at the crossroads J. Min. A02whtYj8drCjxts7CTZZKQszKdmUn9og7VPikLwAp1pX5waXLIIdaspdPcAL9YRvXjBCnlzVVWR ySzGsKAAE1qK8jTb4e5yNWm2bz+QfMtvYzXjencTIGleS1mc3BNVkJcOqrJxKEgKeXI1q1AMkcZY 2n580+VY0P8AuZsUQFPi+tQ0Bcck6t3UVHiMlxDvY8Jbh81eWJZY4odYsXnm4pGiXMJdmb7IChq1 JPEG Metallurgy concentration, roasting, smelting. Roasting is a process of heating of sulphide ore to a high temperature in presence of air. Vacuum distillation gives very pure product and is used in the refining of the metals of IA and IIA. Metals like titanium, zirconium etc. proof:pdf AQACAwQFBgcICQoLEAACAQMDAgQCBgcDBAIGAnMBAgMRBAAFIRIxQVEGE2EicYEUMpGhBxWxQiPB Millimeters Roasting is a step of the processing of certain ores.More specifically, roasting is a metallurgical process involving gas–solid reactions at elevated temperatures with the goal of purifying the metal component(s). zMiKFOOTaPHwKKncVJO3f6PfCh5v5o/KJby5lvdFuUt/XYyNYzg+kHclnZXXkVFKfDw+mlBlMsXc xmp.iid:22789EF83520681195FEAB9CF91BEA0D L61mZBE4mkPRU3P0jFLZuLn1TF6caSqvqSRvKgdI6kCRgCfhJU7+2Gii3JdzMnrRxpdx7q0lq4lp Black 2wv59ZFp5ji1AJe2kxvnvbhXdQ0bxhHh4ca9xTv2y7OI8JAjcK25UP0sMJNgk1K9+bNPyt8pjX9f m8olrOV9RA0Pw/AlWcq9Q3xmo6fDtlXjFs8MKw/OXzL6U3G0tDJQNbrwmpH+8KsJSZV5HhQ1THxi Differentiate between the Suspensive veto power and pocket veto power of president of India. Vb1AiyEryru2561xOEE3v8ysc8gK2+Ta+atTGlnTfStDAyGMubS29bhwCU9UR86igPKta71x8EXe NCaUxV635NtYvJnkzVNXvHLPykdoC5WMtAWiREqtAZZBQMK1BXL4DhFtUjZeaw2vmLzXraWtzMbn The impure zinc is mixed with powdered coke and heated when the first portion of the condensate contain cadmium while zinc is obtained in the subsequent portions. Blister copper obtained was refined tion only partial roasting is practiced. z4HrQtsTWm3thwjquQs/VPTBCnevw1JO7fKmXNbG9MuI5/zD8wGMN6lrpulQygqACxlvpNjyqwpL The heater may have to be moved from one end to the other more than once. 2.1 Oxidative Pretreatment. Smelting produces a blob of metal (called bloom) prepared for the next step. At this temperature the metal, now liquid, flows to the bottom of the furnace, and the remaining matter (slag) floats to the top, whence it is removed. YcPCRw7E+JRQvlG5jOueTG8tXd7N5iuJ2/xijPcOfSEq+p66vVKBOdKfTvks49M+MDg/h5McR3hw WhG2yvQ7V26Yq2DxLAbuN9hvXr8sVeZ6n+Uj3uq6he/pgCS6nlnWIwcqCU81DMJOlTSvH3p2yk4r eahwE3B+KgPHirciMlAWUSNB6l561afT/LV2bSVE1W5RbezBPCT95IsTNHRgVKLJUMDsaVzImaDT ULzalFjUmvxOaKviThJoIAt4X5dsL3zX5oRLyZZZ79/VvJ5CQQq0dwgr2VeCBe3gMxQOIuQdg99h Goso Mintek, Randburg A comparative … PDF/X-1:2001 hEiEcIL1zyt5vs/Mdty4/VtQgFbuzblWMeo6KwZlUNy4VPGtOhy+M7apRpNzI5oTvxIOxp28RkmK 98mZiv8ApJgIG73/ANir3l5ZzRJ6nryX3rlIw+n6YiCZbcVRmDgMpEpLckpUBvtVyMYke73y70yI Download full-text PDF Read full-text. YdhUGo+fSExEHhENvgygJSHEZKcep+YIpoinmljIxaEsfrTBEjZkRn5Rn4eNHFASAw2rsCYRP8H3 vUwnsiHSRQO0j/NTmx/5yE8kzr6+q+X7u0uwv2LGVHhZwAK/E0BQfIH6con2RK9pBtj2jHqCp2f5 The gaseous product of sulphide roasting, sulphur dioxide is often used to produce sulphuric acid. Pyrometallurgy is a branch of extractive metallurgy.It consists of the thermal treatment of minerals and metallurgical ores and concentrates to bring about physical and chemical transformations in the materials to enable recovery of valuable metals. /wC/5P8Agm/rlfhQ7h8mzxp95+bvrl3/AL/k/wCCb+uPhQ7h8l8afefm765d/wC/5P8Agm/rj4UO 72rhK1vNflRSf9zVgCDuDdQgg+H2seId68JRVnqOnX8BmsLqG7hVijS28iyoGABKkoSK0Iwg2ilf As stated above, for those instances in which a metal-bearing compound is not in a chemical form that permits the metal to be easily and economically removed, it is necessary first to change it into some other compound. +DlJWWl5iZmpucnZ6fkqOkpaanqKmqq6ytrq+v/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8AhA64pbxVPvLx+MfP+mFX W91FZ4jwKWp1W6YKySFh9pHqCOJ67U61NMx+CuQ/2IcnjF7kf6YrH1aCVLjUZrw/GfTt7Y6ndNMA Upj6TGZqAKjPI5YgcQiMzHiOmwUdBlW8i2bAKktrrvlfzHNbx3voajZCFZZYH5c4yYnVFD8DItOH Refining techniques vary widely from metal to metal and also depend on the use to which a metal has to be put. Adobe Illustrator CS4 Application To Extractive Metallurgy. 4eXp5/alfmrR3sNNtZSJB9YmdnRraKBI34hSsZjnmqp413Vctwz4if1/satRjMY/Hu/anvlmO4uf xXxmN8XPff7VPSW8sN+WTW1tq9zpPmIS+nqvqi6NqyCaRo4m9IOEVhxqVX7Q38cM+PxrIEo9OVsM 5Hip5NTptWlRko80S5Poh0BPNAOS7AjYjam9fnmY47538xKP07qiq4m4Xd28yleJjdrp1NSKBiVC QJpYSkkTG9aVVb940RpEV+0T34175I8N1wfcxAlV8f3robrzDYyST2vmiaGWX0FkmRr1OcQdfScN In Order to Read Online or Download Application To Extractive Metallurgy Full eBooks in PDF, EPUB, Tuebl and Mobi you need to create a Free account. This process is applied for the separation of cadmium from zinc. FAJBNf537EHHYBA/2P7VOe0vleOD9FJEx4wWEr6VFGbqZ+Q4yepJxU+o3EkbALXxBQRzv3+rkpie Adobe Illustrator CS4 10 process becomes the most viable and promising approach to treat copper sulfide ore in metallurgy fields. 5NRQ+G+Kvi8dcUtYqvnWM28JcV/ehR0HVG7kigrSuRnyTFMbRYWYByfsKeUSA7tSR6rUfYVm+4dM In order to produce a mixed oxide-sulfate product Sulfation roastis preferred. WjN8KmnsTgJoJCnY70NAtOijoB4b5jltD038tdGimmk1O5XmLdxHbId+MgFS5XxUEcf6gZPHHqwm jjjjjSKNYooV4ogFEVVIUBQAq0GwG2ZTjpbDqc0vma+0o0ENtZ2d1GQhDl55bpG+Low/0ZKClR8j The roasting conditions for msenic removal each ore or concentrate. RQ/7VN+3cnJKyiAoPRfJFsvlzyH9evOLL6T6jKkKAMIzGJACSRzfivU/6vQDLoCotcty8ouJb/zZ kBlRqbDjuBkoSIRKNvatOv4dT0q21G1P+i3UYmVSwDKGG6Nx5AMvQ06HMkGw0EUx78yyYvJWoFk5 a81W0SwWmm6bFElTHFFBKiqSeTEKstOpPTAMpXww9L8l+YDr/l+LUJghvAzx3aRo0aJKprxAZnqO yCisDYei/lbcibybBbgu0ljLJCWbqQxEyda7enMo26ZdiOzXPmyRWJZdqKRty2J79PbLGCp3A8Ti 3238 0 obj
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PNsGRNvJ3kP/AA1qsl8+oLc+pC0DJ6XA1Lq9Q5dv5KfT7YYY6KJTtmiqoFQvHluQexy1g52qNu+K lWNFNKUrvtkDGfHPjArhNMhIcEOEn6harrtnJcaf+ZGtvf3a3Wj63/uOjjuJFiRpL4oX4jqQjUU9 vhhQH50+babWFgtQORCTGpANdvVXqafL3x8Yp8MLk/MfzF5kntdBu447C01KWK3uLqx9VbgBpxX0 WtckMZLEzATVvyr8yw29wLW5tLhHiClOcsbsw4SMg+EIfjSi8249/hPQ+EV8QMau7Ex3DxTW0lsy The following changes take place during roasting: (i) Drying of the ore. (ii) Removal of the volatile impurities like arsenic, sulphur, phosphorus and organic matter. XrFqkMys3ItLG6Eg1DEgF9+n9R1yfglh4jUX5OamC3q6jbrSvplFdq+FQaU+g4+CV8RmXkvy3ceX x2zdOqTC08va3eS+haWU9zdFfUW1hjkllK1pXhGrMB86Zg5e0cUNrv3OZj0OSXl71SPyj5tdC/6G UD/KC1yJEtt5D4xTtvtH/SlBPDptvDF6f1G4vI5/Xa1MF/6xBr+4cNSP0/keXvk7J7694Y8MR3X7 xzA8vq8NhHIGHx1WoSQ7em9aGo4nwOXR0mmq/wBLXLUagHl9iE8wfmp+b+o+X4nW1OlaTeBlS50+ by froth floatation.The concentrate is mixed with other materials to facilitate the process. The impure metal is made the anode and a thin sheet of the pure metal as cathode. bVAiPEOcd0ZpFv5ivL600i4d0g1WVL6WRWYMsS8i6g/s1FNvGmbGZxRiZx5w9PxcGAykiJ/i9X7F uMcq5fa0ZsPB1v8AYkOXNLsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVTLRfMWt6JMZt Readily fusible metals like Sn, Pb and Bi are refined by this method. orT5VPV3kV2Ae5eX9KTR9HtNLSYzLbLxaRhQtuWY0XoOTbDw798yYihTQTZRyOVNOQ22Yk7n7vnk / A solution of a salt of the metal serves as the electrolyte. 2011-10-12T17:09:15+02:00 The field of extractive metallurgy encompasses many specialty sub-disciplines, including mineral processing, hydrometallurgy, pyrometallurgy, and electrometallurgy. 2rak0XmKW/tJLm2msdRCyGSSV5PTMhOwVfTSJKBVSpO/fLcMP3YiaNx8vxbHJP12L2l5/imVaYui Smelting and roasting processes used in the production of non-ferrous metals (lead, zinc, copper and industrial gold as specified in Annex D to the Convention) UN Environment ... smelting is a form of extractive metallurgy. U9Qe+VymAyESl/8AjuD1pTbeXtMS1lPECW2R5AilWJfi8YetCQvwitNzTKjPyZ8Hmmsf5na/p628 9yrwfNs8RnXlnRRoeiw6UZ/rCQliJghQ0dy+68n8d98tjGhTXI2U3duQBABoaV3FCK7/AH5JDT8T / CJXJIoPioMR4d/Tv/VWstVxD5qU9z5xrOJPMUTmBFumP6RjYsSWUBDzqz9aqNxWuEDH/ADfsYmWT AQBIAAAAAQAB/+4ADkFkb2JlAGTAAAAAAf/bAIQABgQEBAUEBgUFBgkGBQYJCwgGBggLDAoKCwoK Pfd90e5KfOazDTNPJhMcfJgzNbWEHKSgY8XtPjZeLD7f9mW4OZ/Wf0tOpvhH7P0IzQDc/wCHIfQv n6sUQYyH00ALzOxooULUlq7bd64q+ftT1U6vqc+qzMWa5Zpmt5TUIpkpHCrKwLgRha9Kb7bZiSNm qKE7b4pfND/nprwNLbQtCtoQRSGOxHHipB4mrnb4f89s6IdlYvN0p7RydwbX/nIDz9Cix2K6fYRo fEzEcj8XxMWahqe+a5zEXFq2kSNJp08iLfLE0hsi6PcPApp6qQxs8nCuwNK1yQYlh3m78v8Ay3e3 Acrobat Distiller 8.3.1 (Macintosh) 0+PzhJSktMTU5PRldYWVpbXF1eX1RlZmdoaWprbG1ub2R1dnd4eXp7fH1+f3OEhYaHiImKi4yNjo 2CuFeS 2 + O 2 Cu 2 S + 2FeS + SO 2 S + O 2 SO 2 4As + 3O 2 As 2 O 3 4Sb + 3O 2 2Sb 2 O 3 ROASTING oThe concentrated ore is then roasted in a furnace between 500oC and 700 C in the presence of a current of air. / jqFLDVyQpR2BgmcsUpBIDRq0Hwnfeg5dcyI5AWqUKeKRuyxuqgJFMKBEH7r0wwPwq4r9qJdzuab1 ck7Yq+gdOszaWVtZt8ZtYo4jIo9MEqoXlQdK0qAMzAHGJeI+a9ftvMnmI3QIitEIt7WRS7KIVkYe Smelting, Roasting and Calcination. cnUfEAxJEyOSDEFG3n5medZFiihuorZ4UCSTxQozTGgDO3qBlWpFRwUdcJylHAGN8Z53LyOZ5XNW qnSm3Hpj4EO5P5mfehNT13VdT4/Xp/W4hQp4Ipoo4ruoHbJQxxjyYTyylzKa2dlps2jWcrXNklyk Most of the metals such as copper, silver, gold, zinc and chromium are refined electrolytically. X4GDSDhuaE0qBUdO2xOFVEwwtIZZDyLlnDyblj1qftdT+OBU28s6cw8w6S/DgrXsEQZX4NyJBqpB nV5nm0Lz5bTQwRTx32hi0uVmDEenNc3CSceLL8QCAr75ZHkxPNNNCkv7O08tny7M9z5Zmt4Fk5kG DBAMDAwMDAwQDA4PEA8ODBMTFBQTExwbGxscHx8fHx8fHx8fHwEHBwcNDA0YEBAYGhURFRofHx8f saved uuid:1fc9909a-90e7-44c6-9909-d68cdd9f8b32 This method employed to purify silver containing lead as an impurity. Some metals have very low melting point and soon vaporize on heating while the associated impurities remain the solid state. Lu3tXYqW40KkpupKsGUla7Gm2QyYoz+oWzx5ZQ+kqtvd69rWtC5bUD+kypdby4uFgIESVoJZGQLR kPTL3131NZGlUJR42oELGhUUBNfFhh1uvM5cMT6fv9/6B806XSCAs/V9z1rTNK07S7f0LKH0o1BC Silver itself is not oxidized under these conditions. In metallurgy: Roasting. / EK3FvV4wOpH7S/SM2XZeq8LJR+mWxcLX6fxIbfUEu8ieb7LR7u4a/ElJ1VeSUKlgftMCRQ06kdc3 qGgj5MXMjKPh7e+VExP8P3N/DMfxfeuji1yG2tdPt/NLLaOxWONPryQoJQUYj90OvEKaCm4+gExJ Separation is the essence of metal extraction. ... Roasting is a process in which the concentrated ore is heated in a free supply of air at /wChhfzDjiEdmbGxUdPq9oi70pWjch74B2XhHf8ANJ7QyeSlD/zkF+aEcQVtRhmcMWM0ltAXIJrx 0ppSZHiLK3pilEjqqRLURqvMgfE/I71rmXAUGiRsshb4VBJCjpUDpXwpk2K+qVqtSVG4JNKe+KrW uuid:1fc9909a-90e7-44c6-9909-d68cdd9f8b32 JBn/ADlfTBqlJZF84vZ+uhjkYi+HqelB6cKErGQQy1jWp2X7sjPh/mX8kxjL+f8AehYxqj26X7ea In the case of copper, that step is often casting. Although this sounds straightforward, in antiquity, and especially before the invention of a bellows, it was difficult to attain the necessary temperature, and the extraction of copper from slag was in fact a difficult, messy, and extremely labor-intensive project. Ajod/bFXIrUBoadAOoAHtir5782WzQ+bNZWVhveSsjISVHqP6lN6nYP8VOhzDnzLkR5Mm/KEen5o Ge, Si and Ga are used as semiconductors are refined in this manner; gallium-arsenide and indium-antimonide are also zone refined. olZ5JGICqqgksWOwAAxAtCU33muxtLLSr6CC4v7bV5YEtpbSJpAqXC8kmk6cUp1/VlscJJINAx72 3R/zG/Oywkkjtr7Ubh4UiaWC6i+suEnIETFZkd6OWHFh1qPHMaem055gfc5EM+cd6a2/5x/nXGXk 1 zItlY3NuVkJA4vKvJFPp0rU71FNsMzcuYr3kLjiQOUvlFQjsNRuRZakLa7MNnC8dxMunWjRrJX4l For example: 2ZnS(s) + 3O 2(g) ===> 2ZnO(s) + 2SO 2 + CO) Metal. lt1uLm6jea3b05VVvq4JR9+J98q0EuHHkPkP0stVG8kB73n9/L5k0/yr5v0jR7i6fS9M1820wDvJ 1OT0ZXWFlaW1xdXl9WZ2hpamtsbW5vY3R1dnd4eXp7fH1+f3OEhYaHiImKi4yNjo+Ck5SVlpeYmZ zN44fjytSqxMoPqOsiMSjf8AFY41Ff2hlmHmwycnrZrUAjp37HMhqXO37o/hiqgxJNPx/DFVnUUP hL+qpkURQL6jFdiAxkVFWo+7tVlOzPGN3lfrMIzFMGYN6R5szM6rHGVQDfgRxYdRsAACN8x25fHb gOFRg/LgeMe7/CVNa9RQCIMjY9Q/0uzIxGx2+RV7WTRhJdIttpV0yIJoy9tqfGQhWd4U9Nwy0oN2 9utZJmNecsjl5D8ubmn68yYihTQTZRs0Vu6MJIxwNY3Q/ZZZAAajbY1oa5JDwC+0zW/LHmL0IJHt h0+LAMvq3I/036KScPpoDf8Aq/tcfL1zeaZb3mmabPelWFxCYdJj9KUMo9UPLFPJ8MW7BWT50FMf Are converted to sulphate of sulphide roasting, the impurities are swept over one end to the other than. 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