Contract Fee: 0z, The First Wyverian's not gonna spill the beans about Zorah until we stand on top of the food chain. Subquest Reward: N/A Reward: 3240z Reward: 4320z Subquest Reward: N/A This is something we can't miss! Go to the vale and seek out Vaal Hazak! Contract Fee: 0z, There's a spot I'm certain hides the secret to growing Ancient Trees. Unlocks "The Best Kind of Quest" and "Scatternut Shortage". Subquest Reward: N/A - This quest provides materials for upgrading into the Shield-Weaver + full armor set (which turns your character into Aloy) and the Adept Stormslinger light bowgun. HR Points: N/A Environment: Unstable Think you can go toe-to-toe--er, toe-to-claw with this heavy hitter!? HR Points: Perhaps you can move it for me? Unlocks the ability to change Kinsect element. Time Limit: 50 min. Contract Fee: 0z, My weirdo partner won't shut up about some non-animal animal he found in the Wildspire Waste. Time Limit: 50 min. In this quest, you will get to play as Geralt of Rivia. Time Limit: 50 min. Contract Fee: 0z, Location: Elder's Recess Subquest HR Points: N/A Talk to the Third Fleet Master after completing this Quest to add Demontater Brew to the Canteen. Last updated on October 11th, 2019. *Unlocks a new Canteen ingredient on first time completion. Environment: Stable Help me get my story! Go go GOOOOOO! Subquest HR Points: N/A Must encounter Great Girros in High Rank to unlock. HR Points: Reward: 3240z Players do not need to complete these quest to progress the story and access the game, but will benefit from special rewards for doing these additional objectives. Environment: Unstable This objective is a 1-Star Mastery Quest of MHW Sizzling Spice Fest Event. Contract Fee: 0z, The Nergigante's long eyed us from the far side of the Elder Crossing, but now we have a lead on its whereabouts. You're gonna need 'em to gather these ingredients I've had my eyes on! Environment: Stable HR Points: Environment: Unstable HR Points: Must capture a Black Diablos for this Quest to appear. An anomaly has been discovered in the Ancient Forest. HR Points: Can you lend a Felyne a paw here? HR Points: Environment: Unstable Reward: 12600z 8. Subquest Reward: N/A Don't get the lady angry; she's poison! -- Arena Lass, A new challenger: Radobaan, the Roto-Ravager, the Grinder! Time to investigate! Time Limit: 50 min. It must be stopped! Reward: 21600z -- Third Fleet Master, Location: Rotten Vale How could they not be? Subquest Reward: N/A Contract Fee: 0z, Attention field team! -- The Handler, Location: Elder's Recess The Ancient Forest is covered from top to bottom with that nasty mucus! Contract Fee: 0z, I almost feel bad for 'em. Check out this guide for all Master Rank optional quests available in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne. Reward: 3240z For the safety of everyone in Astera, we're counting on you! Subquest HR Points: N/A Subquest Reward: N/A Reward: 12600z We've gotta get to the bottom of this! -- The Commander, A Pukei-Pukei must have shown up because it's getting more and more difficult to gather scatternuts! Reward: 19800z Subquest HR Points: N/A Environment: Unstable Starting the Iceborne storyline makes this Quest an Optional Quest. Subquest HR Points: N/A Players do not need to complete these quest to progress the story and access the game, but will benefit from special rewards for doing these additional objectives. History Talk (0) Share. Contract Fee: 0z, We've got a riled up Teostra on the warpath. -- The Commander, Location: Elder's Recess Subquest Reward: N/A HR Points: While I don’t blame you – I don’t think it’s the best use of time YET, as you want to amass USEFUL pieces of gear for ANY WEAPON TYPE OR HUNT. HR Points: Environment: Unstable We'll need you to go out and thin that herd of head-butters. Environment: Stable Contract Fee: 0z, This quests seeks only those with an unquenchable flame in their chest. Contract Fee: 0z, We Troupers are getting batterfanged by two Tzitzi-Ya-Ku. -- The Armory, Location: Coral Highlands MHW The New World Event Guide – Monster Hunter Movie Crossover. Environment: Stable HR Points: Environment: Unstable -- Arena Lass, A new challenger: Barroth, the Hulking Headbutt, the Skullcracker! Think you can go toe-to-toe--er, toe-to-claw with this heavy hitter!? -- The Admiral, Nergigante is one helluva beast, and still so much we don't know 'bout it. May the Sapphire Star light our way! Must complete the Elder's Recess expedition to unlock. Reward: 14400z Must complete this Quest and "Horned Tyrant Below the Sands" to unlock "A Colossal Task". Environment: Stable HR Points: 9. GOOD! -- Arena Lass, A new challenger: Odogaron, the Muscle Mutt, the Rex Who Wrecks! Time Limit: 50 min. Contract Fee: 0z, The bones covering Radobaan's body are gonna be tough to get through, but if we want to continue our survey of the Rotten Vale, you'll need to find a way! Must complete "The Encroaching Anjanath" to unlock. Whatever it was it was HOT, painfully hot! Reward: 27720z Reward: 19800z Reward: 9000z HR Points: Help the witcher resolve this issue. Reward: 1200z Must complete "Bird-Brained Bandit" to unlock. Reward: 20160z Time Limit: 50 min. Must encounter Radobaan in High Rank to unlock. It may not be fair, but it's walking on air! Time to investigate! MHW: Assigned Quests. Go hunt it ASAP! Do take care of it, won't you? *Unlocks a new Canteen ingredient upon first time completion. Reward: 14400z Environment: Stable Must capture an Azure Rathalos for this Quest to appear. Go hunt it ASAP! -- Arena Lass, Location: Ancient Forest -- Chief Ecologist, A major change in the ecosystem is driving monsters from their natural habitats. Unlocks Elder's Recess for Tailraider Safari. Subquest HR Points: N/A Contract Fee: 0z, Hunt a Tempered Pink Rathian and a Tempered Azure Rathalos, Location: Special Arena -- Smart Biologist, Location: Rotten Vale Reward: 29520z Reward: 720z Adds more requestable items to the Botanical Research Center. Enter the Special Arena and take on the New World. Report to the Coral Highlands and seek it out! We can't let this chance at an ideal sample slip away. Contract Fee: 0z, The samples I need to further my Ancient Tree research are right under a Rathian's nest. Now that they've discovered the location of a Bazelgeuse, they're off to study it! Reward: 10800z Reward: 3240z HR Points: Reward: 9000z Must complete "Sinister Shadows in the Swamp" to unlock. Subquest Reward: N/A Subquest HR Points: N/A Our department could do with some climate control and I know just the monster that can provide some relief! Subquest Reward: N/A Subquest Reward: N/A Environment: Stable Contract Fee: 0z, This quests seeks only those with an unquenchable flame in their chest. Step one of rebuilding a secure camp is hunting that thief! Subquest HR Points: N/A Must complete the Ancient Forest investigation to unlock. Subquest Reward: N/A Makes my life easier. Time Limit: 50 min. Environment: Stable Contract Fee: 0z, Paolumu dwell in the Coral Highlands, but details of their activities, diet, and nesting habits remain unknown. HR Points: Subquest HR Points: N/A If we're lucky, we might get to see two elder dragons squaring off! Complete at least 7 Tier 1 Tempered investigations to unlock (Threat Level 1). HR Points: Weekly event quests can offer players new armor pieces, increase drop percentages for items, increase hunter rank experience, and other various benefits. Something's up with it. HR Points: Subquest Reward: N/A Subquest HR Points: N/A Must complete every optional quest from 1★ to 8★ to unlock, complete with their special arenas version. Must capture a High-Rank Paolumu for this Quest to appear. Both MHW: Iceborne movie event quests will be available for one whole year, from December 3, 2020, to December 2, 2021. Reward: 5400z Subquest HR Points: N/A -- Arena Lass, A new challenger: Legiana, the Slipstream Striker, the Wingleader! Must complete "A Kestodon Kerfuffle" to unlock. Subquest HR Points: N/A Better dodge fast, or you'll be boned! Subquest HR Points: N/A Subquest Reward: N/A Environment: Unstable Must complete the Wildspire Waste investigation to unlock. Remember to check back for updates. Time Limit: 50 min. -- Chief Ecologist, Location: Ancient Forest Time Limit: 50 min. Subquest Reward: N/A GOOD! Environment: Unstable The best remedy? Subquest HR Points: N/A A list of all optional quests in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne. Must complete "Snatch the Snatcher" to unlock. Unlocks the ability to change Kinsect element. HR Points: Subquest Reward: N/A Must complete "Into the Bowels of the Vale" to unlock. They have a red icon next to them. Environment: Stable Time Limit: 50 min. Subquest HR Points: N/A Reward: 18000z Subquest Reward: N/A Time Limit: 60 min. Must complete "Flying Sparks: Tobi-Kadachi" to unlock. Must capture a High-Rank Odogaron for this Quest to appear. Subquest HR Points: N/A -- The Meowscular Chef, Location: Wildspire Waste Reward: 1800z More Guides. Master Rank Event Quests in Monster Hunter World Iceborne (MHW) are special, time-limited quests available only to players who own the Iceborne Expansion. HR Points: Environment: Stable Must capture a High-Rank Pukei-Pukei for this Quest to appear. The gloves are off--not that we have gloves that big... -- Arena Lass, A new challenger: Pink Rathian, the Burning Blossom, the Beauty Who Bites! Must complete "Radobaan Roadblock" to unlock. Find him and escort him back to base. Subquest HR Points: N/A Subquest Reward: N/A Subquest HR Points: N/A Contract Fee: 0z, The operation is set to commence in the Everstream. -- Provisions Manager, Location: Ancient Forest Environment: Stable Time Limit: 50 min. We'd love to study them more but not with a Jyuratodus lurking about! Subquest HR Points: N/A Time Limit: 50 min. -- The Meowscular Chef, Location: Ancient Forest Subquest HR Points: N/A Heed the moogle's advice, call upon other trustworthy hunte--adventurers to help quell this terror! Question is, what did the kickin'? Environment: Unstable -- The Meowscular Chef, Location: Special Arena HR Points: You hunters will never get a hold of these specialized tools I'm making if I become its dinner! Think you can go toe-to-toe--er, toe-to-claw with this heavy hitter!? Subquest HR Points: N/A HR Points: Time Limit: 50 min. The days we spent going to the park, playing fetch. Yesterday at 8 pm Eastern Standard Time was when Capcom rotated the event quests for players. -- The Handler, Location: Wildspire Waste Environment: Stable Must complete the Nergigante investigation to unlock. Must complete the Wildspire Waste investigation to unlock. Filtered/Search by New Events, Weapon, Armor, Layered, Palico Armor, etc. Begin your investigation ASAP, but beware of its poisonous tail! Subquest HR Points: N/A Think you can go toe-to-toe--er, toe-to-claw with this heavy hitter!? Arena Quests. Subquest HR Points: N/A Left unchecked it's liable to run off with crucial supplies. Contract Fee: 0z, Did you know that some cultures worship Kushala Daora as a god of wind? Unlocks "Royal Relocation" and "Gettin' Yolked in the Forest". -- Impatient Biologist, Location: Rotten Vale -- Field Team Leader, Location: Great Ravine Whatever it is, it's bound to be something interesting! Subquest Reward: N/A Subquest Reward: N/A Must complete "Legiana: Embodiment of Elegance" to unlock. Head to the Ancient Forest and begin your investigation of the invading Rathian ASAP! Time Limit: 50 min. Astera Summer Twilight Fest & Seliana Sizzling Spice Fest (July 22, 2020 0:00 (UTC) – August 6, 2020 23:59 (UTC)) thread. Subquest HR Points: N/A There are two Side Quests that are part of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt collaboration quest in Monster Hunter World: The Chief Issue and Pukei Pukei in Peril. -- Field Team Leader, Location: Elder's Recess -- The Meowscular Chef, Location: Elder's Recess Subquest HR Points: N/A HR Points: Must complete "The Great Jagras Hunt" and the first Expedition to unlock. Must complete "A Visitor from Another World" to unlock. -- The Commander, Location: Coral Highlands HR Points: These events change weekly and have requirements for the equipment you use and the time you take to complete them. Subquest HR Points: N/A Adds Aptonoth Meat, Apceroast, Serpentine Salmon, Bent-backed Shrimp, Armor Crab, Ossectopus, Pink Caviar, Stonecorn, Steadfast Spud, Kut-Ku Bean, Molten Mango, Tater Mud, Dragon Ale, Hunter's Brew, and Star Brandy to the Canteen and increases the maximum number of ingredients per meal. HR Points: Subquest HR Points: N/A Subquest Reward: N/A It'll be even less pleased if we send in our scholars to research it. Unlocks "A Kestodon Kerfuffle" and "A Thicket of Thugs". Contract Fee: 0z, The Deviljho is a frightening presence that takes the idea of the food chain and crushes it between its massive jaws! Make for the Coral Highlands and investigate the beast swathed in lightning. Reward: 9000z Time Limit: 50 min. Must complete "A Fiery Throne Atop the Forest" and "Horned Tyrant Below the Sands" to unlock. -- Commander. Unlocks "Urgent: Pukei-Pukei Hunt" and "Camp Crasher". It’s around this time curiosity and ideas set in, and you want to craft ALL THE THINGS! Must capture a High-Rank Barroth for this Quest to appear. Though it’s not very difficult or time consuming! Environment: Stable Monsters that use tools are exceptionally rare. Reward: 7200z Time Limit: 50 min. Unlocks "Today's Special: Hunter Flambé". -- Third Fleet Master, Location: Ancient Forest HR Points: -- The Commander, Location: Wildspire Waste - This quest also provides materials for crafting the Frostclaw α + Palico armor set and Forgefire α + Palico weapon. Remember, you can't spell flight without fight! Neutralize any large monsters that pose a threat. Subquest Reward: N/A Subquest HR Points: N/A Reward: 19800z -- Chief Ecologist, Location: Confluence of Fates Reward: 4320z HR Points: Contract Fee: 0z, A new challenger: Rathalos, the Red-Hot Raider, the Firestarter! The gloves are off--not that we have gloves that big... -- Arena Lass, Location: Special Arena We need to seize on this opportunity, so we need you to investigate ASAP! MEOW-CH! Their kind's the gold--pink?--standard for New World monsters. The gloves are off--not that we have gloves that big... -- Arena Lass, A new challenger: Odogaron, the Muscle Mutt, the Rex Who Wrecks! HR Points: The quest being "hunt 2 urragans". HR Points: We have chosen based on overall damage and elemental strength … Use all that lies before you, and claim glory. Reward: 19800z For a list of only Assigned Quests in the order they appear in-game, see MHWI: Assigned Quests. Environment: Stable MHW The New World Event Guide – Monster Hunter Movie Crossover. Unlocks "When Desire Becomes an Obsession" and "Redefining the 'Power Couple'". The version of the browser you are using is no longer supported. -- Chief Ecologist, Location: Wildspire Waste Begin your investigation ASAP, but beware its poisonous attacks! Do Bookmark for later retrieval. -- The Handler, Location: Coral Highlands Reward: 6480z HR Points: Subquest Reward: N/A Reward: 1080z Begin your investigation ASAP, but beware of its airburst attacks! As if that's not already weird enough, this one's extra tough. You face two abnormally powerful Bazelgeuse. -- The Meowscular Chef, Those little monsters think you're playing with them! Time Limit: 50 min. *Unlocks a new Canteen ingredient on first time completion. 1 Low-Rank Quests (1-5★) 1.1 1★ Quests 1.2 2★ Quests 1.3 3★ Quests 1.4 4★ Quests 1.5 5★ Quests 2 High-Rank Quests (6-9★) 2.1 6★ Quests 2.2 7★ Quests Environment: Stable HR Points: Time Limit: 50 min. Contract Fee: 0z, I'm absoulutely positive that the effuvium is controlled by Vaal Hazak. -- The Handler, Did you know there's a species of insect that survives by burrowing into Diablos tails? -- Chief Ecologist, Location: Ancient Forest HR Points: A fair trade-off if you ask me. Begin your investigation ASAP, but beware of its rolling attacks! Looks like we have to put it down. Must complete "He Taketh It with His Eyes" to unlock. Subquest HR Points: N/A Environment: Stable HR Points: Subquest Reward: N/A Must complete this Quest and "A Fiery Throne Atop the Forest" to unlock "A Colossal Task". -- Third Fleet Master, Location: Confluence of Fates Head to the Wildspire Waste and begin your investigation of the invading Anjanath ASAP! Subquest Reward: N/A That means we gotta hunt us a Rathalos! Environment: Unstable Subquest Reward: N/A -- The Commander, The Iron Helmcrab is such a fascinating creature. Once he starts spinning, uragoner! Subquest HR Points: N/A Environment: Unstable Subquest HR Points: N/A HR Points: If you could help us out you'd be a real hero! Contract Fee: 0z, The operation is set to commence in the Everstream. Please do something! Unlocks "Radobaan Roadblock", "Sorry You're Not Invited" and "White Monster for a White Coat". Begin your investigation ASAP, but beware its swift and icy attacks! Must complete the three Elder Dragon assigned quests to unlock. -- The Commander, Our entire department is out with the flu because of that Anjanath. Must have game version v.6 or higher installed and complete "Land of Convergence" to unlock. -- The Commander, Location: Ancient Forest Reward: 18000z -- Chief Ecologist, Location: Wildspire Waste Subquest Reward: N/A -- Chief Botanist, Location: Ancient Forest Environment: Unstable HR Points: So, let's hunt it down before we're lunch! That means we gotta hunt us a Diablos! Unlocks High-Rank Quests and Expeditions. Location: Ancient Forest Conventional methods won't work, call upon other trustworthy hunte--adventurers to help quell the beast! Pfft! Subquest Reward: N/A Subquest HR Points: N/A Contract Fee: 0z, You already know how I feel about that intolerable creature. -- The Huntsman, Location: Special Arena Unlocks High-Rank Quests and Expeditions. We'll need you to go out and thin that herd of head-butters. Environment: Unstable Reward: 4320z Reward: 25920z -- Field Team Leader, It's Teostra that stalks the Waste- Emperor of flame. Like the first mission, you simply need to hunt a single monster, and only need to be Master Rank 1 to begin. Do take care of it, won't you? Reward: 720z Must complete "Bird-Brained Bandit" to unlock. Unlocks "Into the Bowels of the Vale" and "A Humid Headache". Must capture a Low-Rank Rathalos for this Quest to appear. Help the witcher resolve this issue. Time Limit: 50 min. Time Limit: 50 min. Subspecies like these are highly valuable to the Commission's research efforts. Contract Fee: 0z, A new challenger: Rathalos, the Red-Hot Raider, the Firestarter! Subquest HR Points: N/A Subquest HR Points: N/A *Unlocks a new Specialized Tool on first time completion. HR Points: -- The Impatient Biologist, Location: Rotten Vale He'll bite your leg to fetch the stick inside! Subquest Reward: N/A Unlocks the Eastern Camp in Wildspire Waste. Contract Fee: 0z, A young scholar has gotten separated from his escort out in the Wildspire Waste. /u/tapczan100's event quest list found here. Increases Zorah Magdaros's Research Level. T he world of Monster Hunter World can make newcomers feel lost with different quests and monsters. We must not fail! Time Limit: 50 min. Must complete "Into the Bowels of the Vale" and "White Monster for a White Coat" to unlock. -- The Commander, We've gotten a disturbing report of an unusually powerful Diablos appearing in the Wildspire Waste. -- The Admiral, Xeno'jiiva is such a marvelous, mysterious example of exotic monster biology. Unlocks the Northeast Camp in the Ancient Forest. Reward: 2520z Subquest HR Points: N/A -- The Commander, The elder dragon tracks in the forest? Subquest HR Points: N/A Subquest HR Points: N/A Contract Fee: 0z, To the unparalleled hunter, I offer this final quest. -- The Commander, Location: Elder's Recess Environment: Stable Do you wanna tag along? Environment: Unstable Go see for yourself, but don't get hurt! Time Limit: 35 min. Subquest HR Points: N/A We have to do something otherwise every living thing in the New World is in serious danger! Contract Fee: 0z, Location: Wildspire Waste Think you can go toe-to-toe--er, toe-to-claw with this heavy hitter? Reward: 1800z Time Limit: 50 min. Subquest Reward: N/A -- Third Fleet Master, Location: Rotten Vale The handler with and assigned quest available. Must have game version v.5 or higher installed, complete "Land of Convergence", and talk to the Serious Handler to unlock. Must capture a High-Rank Diablos for this Quest to appear. -- The Commander, A major change in the ecosystem is driving monsters from their natural habitats. Reward: 4320z 8. The gloves are off--not that we have gloves that big... -- Arena Lass, A new challenger: Barroth, the Hulking Headbutt, the Skullcracker! Let's say... 10 reps? level 2. -- The Commander, Now that you've worked both your upper and lower body, are you ready to put it to good use? HR Points: Must encounter Tzitzi-Ya-Ku in High Rank to unlock. *Unlocks a new Canteen ingredient upon first time completion. Time Limit: 50 min. A Rotten Request". Environment: Stable Subquest Reward: N/A -- Serious Handler, Location: Elder's Recess Special Arena Quests will cycle in and out of the Quest List once they have been completed. Contract Fee: 0z, It was a Behemoth, an Eorzean beast, in the Elder's Recess. Time Limit: 50 min. Subquest HR Points: N/A Subquest Reward: N/A Environment: Stable Below you'll find a list of both Assigned Quests, Optional Quests, and Delivery Quests, you need to complete to unlock more monsters, Botanical Research items, Canteen items, and … Subquest Reward: N/A MHW: ICEBORNE | Main Story Quest List - Hunter Rank Limit Break Guide - GameWith Now to prove my theory once and for all. We might never get this chance to study it! Environment: Stable Subquest Reward: N/A Contract Fee: 0z, We've gotten a disturbing report of an unusually powerful Legiana appearing in the Coral Highlands. There's several pendants (different colour tigers) and delivery quests for room decorations that require VIP tickets that I was just told about. Contract Fee: 0z, The Kulu-Ya-Ku uses its nimble forearms to pick up stones and eggs. Contract Fee: 0z, There's a saying about a cornered animal that slips me mind--Either way, there's a wounded Teostra coralled in the Special Arena. 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