The data in this report was provided by provincial and territorial ministries responsible for administering social assistance programs. You can use our professional writing services to order a custom research paper on political science and get your high quality paper at affordable price. Grantee it should be grantee focused) –Biopschosocio-spiritual Republic of the Philippines Department of Social Welfare and Development 2. A staff survey on attitudes towards the use of mobile phones in the staff / team meetings was conducted. Schedule a Demo. Consumerism is another phenomenon increasingly receiving attention in terms of global social change. ‡ È 0 ø « R °" Ö ² °" ı °" ‘ | 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 � � ˆ � 2 2 2 ø 2 2 2 2 ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ °" 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 N W : Bio/Psycho/Social Assessment Report or Social History
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A social history report is a professional document that is frequently prepared by social workers in a variety of direct practice settings. social history A summary of life-style practices–eg, diet, exercise, sexual orientation and level of sexual activity, occupation, and habits–eg, smoking, abuse of alcohol or other substance, which may have a direct or indirect effect on a person's health. Components. More broadly still, some social historians have grappled with larger processes of twentieth-century social change, associated with the decline of the traditional aristocracy (a virtually universal phenomenon wherever this class had a foothold) and the rise of a professional/managerial middle class. Some historians and anthropologists dealing with family structures launched a somewhat similar effort to define basic family types—around household size, kinships systems, and the like—on a global basis, again often combining regions held distinct in most accounts of specific civilizations or separating regions within a presumed single civilization. Social history definition: a view of historical events seen in terms of social trends | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Despite the novelty of its subject matter, social history reproduces many of the characteristic biases of its predecessors. (1996). Email requesting a meeting examples Social history assessment | sage publications inc. Sulfides. (1969). Special offer! A Social Circumstances Report is a statutory report completed for a mental health review tribunal, or a hospital manager's hearing. Initial efforts concentrated strongly on topics such as social protest, class structure, and mobility, with great interest in quantitative research and links with sociology. Psychosocial: The patient is generally an alert and active woman despite her arthritic symptoms. A social work assessment is a report written by a social worker evaluating a client’s educational, mental health, substance abuse, or occupational needs. Goody, J. These activities and experiences can include leisure, work, emotions, the senses, crime, family relationships—the list is essentially as long as our capacity to define aspects of the human condition that change over time. According to the theory’s formulators, a society’s position in the world economy (assuming significant involvement) determined a characteristic labor system—from the coercive labor of peripheral societies (Latin America, Poland) to sharecropping in semiperipheral societies to low-paid wage labor in core economies. PAGE
# ' 5 6 7 t u J ˆ µ Á Ç 4 The intention is to provide an overview of the main sections that most reports should have. Headsets. Old Gender: Female Address: Zone 8, Suntingon, Bugo, Cagayan de Oro Referred by: Mae Abellanosa Working Impression: Child with Cerebral Palsy (According to the Sped Teacher) Date of Assessment: Sept 19, 2008 Name of Parents: Mr. Elmer … Race: Caucasian. The making of New World slavery: From the Baroque to the modern, 1492–1800. By the 1980s interests were shifting toward more qualitative efforts—sometimes called the “cultural turn”—and alliances with anthropology. This contains needed information such as patient’s complete name, address, contact details, questions about medical status/history, and other related medical questions. Pilcher, J. M. (2006). BONUS: Social Media Posting Schedule Template to plan out your posting frequency (which you can optimize over … 2 Literature review . Family/Social History Born/raised _____ Siblings ___ # of brothers ___ # of sisters What was the birth order? Promo code: cd1a428655, Plant and Animal Domestication Research Paper, Domestic Violence Research Paper Examples, Political Science Research Paper Examples. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. The data may also be used to identify any matters that should be addressed before the assessment to ensure the results are valid. However, her progress has been slower than I would have liked. World economy theory is not the only applicable model for global, or at least extensive, social change. He is not used to the structured life that Milton Hershey School mandates and he feels that the classes he is taking are not interesting or challenging. Thinking on a global scale was difficult. From a develop-mental and social ecological perspective, a person’s social relations grow more complex over time. Comparing the precise patterns of professionalization within a larger set of trends combines the two main facets of social history on a global scale. Comparisons of social structures or social experiences constitute an obvious way to utilize one of the standard world history approaches, with its emphasis on individual societies or civilizations analytically enhanced by discussing differences and similarities while also acknowledging the standard social history preference for geographically specific research. It can be used as a marketing strategy to understand your leads and turn them into your customers. Even the conditions of the elderly have drawn more comparative treatment from anthropologists than from historians, who continue to treat the history of old age mainly within a Western context. Because they explore unfamiliar aspects of history, often involving groups who left little explicit documentation, social historians have frequently been tied to regional or national data sets, which are not always easy to access even on this level. Scholars have devoted more intensive analysis to slave systems themselves, probably the best-developed comparative category in social and world history. Fredrickson, G.M. Before the early modern period, that is, before the sixteenth century, patterns are not easy to discern. Start writing your report to actually experience it on a more hands-on way. For example, "Describe the influence of the role of the ruling class during the French Revolution." Chinese influence on Japan during the postclassical period worsened women’s status, but not to Chinese levels, while ironically providing some elite Japanese women opportunities to innovate in Japanese cultural forms (left to them because Chinese forms were more prestigious) or Buddhism. For example, watching of pornography, abortions and drug abuse among the youths may be due to lack of guidance and counseling. ; Summary – There needs to be a summary of the major points, conclusions, and recommendations. It is not difficult to find examples of displaced 'Whig' interpretation in 'modernisation' theory; or the 'idol of origins' in accounts of the rise of the Welfare State or the development of social movements. The essence of the report documents the social aspect of the past and current life experience of the client. Since its inception as a clear subfield of history more generally, social history has evolved. Scholars have devoted considerable attention also to the less-unequal gender systems of a few nomadic peoples such as the Mongols, compared to those in civilizations. Labor history, deals with labor unions and the social history of workers.See for example Labor history of the United States The Study Group on International Labor and Working-Class History was established: 1971 and has a membership of 1000. SOCIAL HISTORY. Interpretations have applied particularly to industrial societies, headed by Japan and those in the West, but they can increasingly apply to other societies with a burgeoning middle class, such as China, India, and many parts of Latin America. However, research on women in Asia and Africa inevitably invokes the more familiar Western historical experience, at least for comparative suggestions. Conciseness – Be as concise as possible in your narrative. New York: Routledge. London: Routledge. Consider consulting an attorney or Social Security advocate. The essence of the report documents the social aspect … This may help the patient feel more at ease and can help you in understanding risk factors and background information that may be essential in formulating a differential diagnosis. For example… DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes. Perkin, H. J. Without assuming that common people are everywhere alike, scholars realized by the 1980s that social historical findings in one society might have applicability in others. Use logical headings for each area of the report. Comparative studies in kinship. _____ has worked hard in social studies this quarter. For its part social history was often conceived of in terms of great place specificity. Sample Selection The respondents involved in this survey were employees working in companies located in Central Texas. Organization – The Social Assessment should be well-organized and easy to follow. Social History Assessment is the first resource to offer practical guidance about interpreting the social history. Social history was focused and active at least a decade before the rise of serious modern interest in world history, and the separate beginnings inevitably raise issues of coordination. DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes. A key element was what Thompson called the “moral economy,” a set of expectations about workloads, treatment by employers, skill levels and training, and other job-related issues, that artisans had developed before the advent of modern, machine-based factory industry. However, many exceptions exist, with periods of greater women’s assertion in business or intellectual life, so the model remains tentative at best. Recent research has devoted greater attention to the impact of colonialism on gender relations, through a combination of economic shifts, including women’s loss of manufacturing jobs and cultural and legal influences. This particular Psychosocial Assessment comes with space to fill information and details related to relationships, triage family history, abuse history, educational status & history, spiritual & cultural issues, financial at entry, living arrangements, employment status & history, legal status & history, etc. You will need to interview the client and other significant parties knowledgeable about the client's background and current needs. Confidentiality – Be sensitive to the information included in the report and be cognizant of the client’s privacy. Historical narratives are commonly populated by the activities of states, intellectuals, and military leaders. The updated Social history section on the patient Summary includes improvements to smoking status, which has been renamed “Tobacco Use”, and additional data elements to support recording alcohol use, financial resources, education, physical activity, stress, social isolation and connection, and exposure to violence.You can also find free text fields for Nutrition and Social history … Free research papers are not written by our writers, they are contributed by users, so we are not responsible for the content of this free sample paper. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. Braudel, F. (1976). × Get discount 10% for the first order. Armed with curiosity, persistence, and an eye for detail, the investigator must follow every lead in the search for potential mitigating evidence. Research of this sort, aimed at defining regions not according to religion or political systems, but rather in terms of agricultural patterns, village types, and popular cultures, could serve as a vital component of world history if the approach expanded to additional regions. For example: They may refuse to speak with you; They may be too unwell; or It publishes International Labor and Working-Class History. Comparisons within the Americas have emphasized the greater physical brutality and higher mortality rates of the Latin American and Caribbean systems, compared to that of North America, despite the greater racism that surrounded the institution in the United States. (2004).World systems analysis: An introduction. Other social historians used nations as units because of the social impact of political systems and national cultures. The two curriculum policy documents listed above contain the revised achievement chart language. social history: [noun] history that concentrates upon the social, economic, and cultural institutions of a people — compare cultural history. The report can be a general research paper and give an overview of a specific event; for example, "write a report on the War of 1812." Consider it the foundation of our social media report template, which you can download for free below. Mix and match the sections to create a custom social media reporting tool that works for your intended audience and needs. New York: New York University Press. Sample Social History. The term social history can have several related definitions. The third revolution: Professional elites in the modern world. Finally, social historians during the 1980s began to pay increasing attention to cultural factors, beliefs, and forms of expression and discourse—with the “cultural turn.” As with cultural anthropology, to which the cultural approach was closely related, this attention usually encouraged social historians to take reasonably small areas as their essential purview. The prompt might include follow up questions that point in you in the direction of some arguments you can make. In this case also, as with the early efforts at a social history-based regionalization, great opportunities exist for further work based on common human responses to roughly comparable challenges. Check all that apply: ☐ Learning difficulties (reading, spelling, writing, math, organization) ☐ Speech or Language difficulties (articulation, stuttering, trouble recalling words, etc.) Components can include inquiries about: Substances Alcohol In the section on notetaking there are only three points made and I find social workers in training need far more than this. Free research papers are not written to satisfy your specific instructions. (i.e. family, school, job, medical community, legal system, social supports, etc.). The social history report contains interpersonal, familial, emotional, behavioral, academic, and environmental variables that influence the student’s adaptation to school. She understands that she is having a “heart attack” at the present time and she appears to be extremely anxious. The SSA provides a “Remarks” section at the end of the Work History Report. Here, then, was another huge potential in linking social history and world history: the applicability of significant reactions first studied in one area to other areas despite substantial differences in prior economic and cultural structures. Study and understand the chosen topic that you would be writing a report about in order make an effective and informative report. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. The study generally utilizes social sciences. For example, User Story #1 'Shopping bag' was created on 01/01/2017 in the Project 'E-comm… Correlations muddy by the later nineteenth century, with the abolition of serfdom and slavery, but a strong relationship between position in the capitalist global economy and working conditions continues to hold. Author Arlene Bowers Andrews provides rich resources to assist helping professionals as they gather and–most importantly–interpret information about social … Social history report. Sample Assessment report 1. Here, and to an extent with revolutions as well, involvement of women, which was often followed by subsequent constraints, adds to the social dimension of one of the twentieth century’s major developments. The moral economy of the peasant: Rebellion and subsistence in Southeast Asia. Social history in canada: a report on the "state of the art". If you are unable to consult. � However, the importance of the report is often not recognized by claimants. The second widespread application of social history to world history involves efforts to develop chronological models of social change that will apply to many societies in a given time period or across several periods. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. Pay attention to all parts of the question. Changes in popular culture and a blurring of traditional social boundaries—class, gender, age hierarchies— were wrapped up in modern consumerism as it fanned out from the West during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Name: Anikka S. Date of Birth: May 8, 2003. Family History: Do you have a family history (biological parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins) of any of the following? Islam’s limited influence on gender relations in sub-Saharan Africa was often noted by travelers such as the Arab traveler and author Ibn Battutah. Presenting Problem: Anikka applied to the Janus School in October of 2011 with her parent’s concern of her academic skills in regards to reading, writing, and math. A social history report is a professional document that is frequently prepared by social workers in a variety of direct practice settings. For information obtained directly from a client or their family member, it is imperative that you report this information as such. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. The organization, format, and content requirements of a social assessment report will vary across organizations and should be consistent with the agency and individual program objectives. Ensure your answer includes detailed descriptions of what you lifted and carried, how often, and why. Skocpol, T. (1979). Use open-ended questions whenever possible. This is yet another example of how companies are dealing with the crisis and leveraging social media marketing tactics to their advantage. In fact, scholars usually conceive of African history in social-historical terms, as it has surged during the past three decades—with attention to activities of peasants and workers and to popular resistance to and collaboration with outside authorities—as an alternative to older approaches that privileged colonial governments and discounted African history outside their purview. Many claimants complete the Work History Report (Form SSA-3369-BK) as part of a Social Security disability or SSI application process. She does not report any childhood fears or phobias. Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers. Both disciplines typically deal extensively with peoples subjected to the control of others. Comparisons of feminisms have mainly stayed within a North American–European orbit (including Russia). Some social historians have argued that their approach involves a basic orientation to the whole of human history; others are content with a substantial reshuffling of their discipline’s standard list of topics. However, fascinating case studies are spreading. First 5 Reports for FREE. achievement charts for Social Studies 1-6, History / Geography 7 & 8 (2004) and Mathematics 1-8 (2005) (i.e. For example, the form asks you to explain “lifting and carrying” activities that were part of your job. This includes his or her age, gender, race, height, weight, current residential address and previous addresses. Additional patterns of global social change during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries—beyond the acceleration of the world economy and, for a considerable time, imperialism—are somewhat less well defined. Pay special attention to chronology of events and report on events consistent with the chronology. The elements that make up Canada’s social history include climate and geography, as well as the transition to industrialization and urbanization. Systematic analysis remains sparse for a subject that long seemed too frivolous for serious historical attention. background and social history. It may be included as part of your child's evaluation report or to identify any factors that can support or rule out the diagnosis of a disability. Social historians argue that “good” histories must pay attention to ordinary people outside the realm of power; they must explore human activity and experience—such as work and leisure, emotions and the senses, or poverty and oppression. To ensure confidentiality, The essence of the report documents the social aspect of the past and current life experience of the client. Current discussions about the impact of globalization on economic inequality derive directly from earlier world economy patterns and issues. Social History Assessment is the first resource to offer practical guidance about interpreting the social history. This document may be identified in different ways within organizations. v. All-in-One Social Media Reports! Clarity and simplicity – Use language that a wide variety of readers will understand rather than the use of technical words or “pseudo jargon.”
Relevancy – Be careful to document only information that is relevant to the situation. Relying on work by area specialists, many world historians thus compare basic social systems in the classical period (c. 1000 BCE–500 CE) and after, noting the similarities, but more obviously the differences, among India’s caste system, the slave-based system common in the Mediterranean, and the social system in China as it was (partially) shaped by Confucian values. Researchers also make rich global comparisons of city types and of migration patterns. The social bases and results of movements of national liberation are harder to define but also receive attention. She recalls being a daredevil. A seminal work in Western social history, E. P. Thompson’s Making of the English Working Class, explored the value systems involved in labor protest as the Industrial Revolution took shape. This report provides an example structure for a report. If you don’t have a Social Worker and want one: How to Get a Social Worker. Diverse nations: explorations in the history of racial and ethnic pluralism. CONFIDENTIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL REPORT For Professional Use OnlyNAME: Jane Smith BIRTHDATE xxxADDRESS: Xxx : AGE: 9 years, 7 months … Mediterranean and the Mediterranean world in the age of Philip II (S. Reynolds, Trans.). During the guilt phase, the prosecution has undoubtedly portrayed your client as evil, The study shows customers how your product can help them solve a real-life problem. Generalizations become firmer when global forces can be more clearly identified. The Columbian Exchange between the Americas and Afro-Eurasia demonstrates the important effect of early modern biological interactions (foods, animals, diseases, conquerors, and slaves) on population levels in the Americas, Africa, Asia, and Europe. Some partisans even argued that, because the lives of ordinary people are rather similar across societal lines, with shared poverty and oppression, they do not warrant much world historical focus, at least until modern developments brought the masses more prominently into the picture. Political Science research paper writing services, does more than just talk some! Professionals, including court personnel and lawyers at times, may have eventual access to this report Angeles University... Similarities such as patriarchal family social history report example history assessment is the first resource offer... Community, legal system, social history research paper on history topics are just beginning find... Philip II ( S. Reynolds, Trans. ) about in order make an effective and informative.! 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