The purpose of the Sorority is to promote the ethical, cultural, and social development of its members, specifically to develop the character of each member through a study of ethics so that she will show in all her relationships sincerity, honesty, love and understanding; to help each member enjoy the cultural advantages in life so that she will know how to select those things which are most worthwhile; and to develop in each member the social graces to the extent that she will be able to take her place in life with true dignity and poise. Penn State Behrend Fraternity and Sorority Life. AZ: The best advice I could give them is to work collaboratively, lead by example, and not be afraid to stand up for your beliefs. In his career, Yurcich’s offenses have averaged 6.49 yards per play, which ranks first among offensive coordinators since 2013. I want to work with the board to make sure we are creating exciting and interesting events that people will want to attend and find creative ways to meet the challenges that the coronavirus mandates and guidelines present. Penn State said it hasn’t determined how the team pause will impact scheduled games beyond January 12. AST is committed to developing scholars, leaders, and sisters. Currently, there is one organization that operates with no recognition or endorsement from Penn State Behrend: This group is no longer a recognized student organization at Penn State Behrend. There are currently 17 Panhellenic chapters and three Associate chapters at the Penn State Main Campus location, and there are two different times in which you would be able to rush a sorority, Informal Recruitment in the fall and Formal Recruitment in the spring. It’s a great example of what Greek life is about – fun, friendship, and great memories! Penn State Panhellenic | The official Pinterest for the Penn State Panhellenic Council. Email Finder Top Companies Company Search People Search Solutions About Us. April 1: Community invited to Penn State Behrend Eggstravaganza. Penn State Panhellenic Council. In my roles as an executive board member of my sorority and my Penn State dance team, and from leadership roles I have had on sports teams and clubs in the past, I have learned to work collaboratively with others, even with those who have a different opinion. Photo Story Alpha Epsilon Pi. Issuu company logo. — The Penn State Panhellenic and Interfraternity councils will hold their annual Spring Carnival from 2:30 to 5 p.m. on Sunday, April 10, on Old Main Lawn. Penn State Behrend Panhellenic, Erie, Pennsylvania. Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life Penn State rolls out new fraternity, sorority changes By Lori Falce, Centre Daily Times (State College, Pa.) 12/10/2020 Today in D.C.: Headlines to start your Monday in D.C., Maryland and Virginia Being on my sorority’s executive board was one of the most challenging experiences of my life, but one I will cherish forever. Our values are justice, wisdom, loyalty, faith, truth, and honor. Position statement for groups who have lost recognition: There is a clear and decisive line between the recognized organizations at Penn State Behrend, and those unaffiliated organizations who do not meet the standards of the institution or community. It may be challenging at times, but the benefits and rewards to you, to your chapter, and to our Penn State community is worth all of the stress. Advanced Search Sign Up. Going Greek seemed like a perfect way to meet people with similar values of sisterhood, academics, and philanthropy while making genuine friends that would last a lifetime. OS: Why did you decide to run for Panhellenic Council president? AZ: As a past Panhellenic Delegate, I understand the responsibility that each sorority president and delegate has to their chapter and our university community. I welcome you to the Penn State chapter of the National Pan-Hellenic Council's webpage. Panhellenic epitomizes everything that I treasure in life: friendship and sisterhood, loyalty and trustworthiness, respect and integrity, acceptance and inclusion, and caring and giving back to my community. They have lost this recognition for failure to meet basic standards of the college and have no national affiliation. Try. OS:  What are you most excited about being Panhellenic Council president? Conduct Probation until December 21, 2020; Loss of organizational privilege … Our values are justice, wisdom, loyalty, faith, truth, and honor. Close. I will lead the Panhellenic Executive Board and the Council to work collaboratively as a cohesive group to develop strategies that benefit all of our chapters, with the goal of making Greek life at Penn State a great experience for all. Delta Zeta’s Alayna Zanghetti was recently elected president of Penn State’s Panhellenic Council last week. Sororities are not just social organizations. 10 Questions With New Panhellenic President Alayna Zanghetti, Penn State To Allow Select International Students Return To Campus January 4, Penn State’s Change Of Plans Hangs International Students Out To Dry, Penn State Endorses International Universities Climate Alliance Letter, Penn State Football Hires Mike Yurcich As Offensive Coordinator, Penn State Hoops Pauses Team Activities, Postpones Two Games Due To COVID-19 Cases, In-State Success Helps Penn State Football’s Class Of 2022 Get Off To Fast Start, Penn State Fans Both Pumped & Shocked Following Kirk Ciarrocca’s Departure, Sad! In order for a fraternity or sorority to operate at Penn State, they must be recognized as an … Annually, the university hosts the Penn State IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon (THON), which is the world's largest student-run philanthropy. It has made a big school like Penn State feel intimate and more fulfilling. Drunk, Sober, High View Penn State Panhellenic Council ( location in Pennsylvania, United States , revenue, industry and description. Women who are majoring in engineering or hard sciences are eligible to join this organization. AZ: Definitely 2019 Greek Sing. The Panhellenic exists to promote the core values of friendship, leadership, service, knowledge, integrity, and community. Philanthropy: The Pine Mountain Settlement School, Traditional Activities at Behrend: Mr. & Miss Penn State Behrend Pageant. AZ: I am a big advocate of teamwork and collaboration. The event will feature a bouncy house, snow cones, popcorn, cotton candy … Name E-mail Address. Theta Phi Alpha has adopted Saint Catherine of Siena as its patroness. Nobody wants to look at their computer for another hour for another event. Theta Phi Alpha has adopted Saint Catherine of Siena as its patroness. In 1926, the first sorority was chartered and from there Penn State's greek life has continued to grow exponentially. Philanthropies: S. June Smith Center, Special Olympics, Girls on the Run, Traditional Activities at Behrend: Date Auction, Blood Drive. Before she gets down to business, we sat down with Zanghetti to talk about her past experiences, upcoming goals, and plans for improving the Greek community at Penn State. In 1968, all restrictive membership clauses were removed from Theta Phi Alpha’s National Constitution and Bylaws and Theta Phi Alpha opened up its membership to all women regardless of race, creed or religious belief. AZ: I think the past executive board has done a great job of building good relationships and unity with the other councils and among chapters, and my goal will be to continue to build and develop these relationships and alliances. The mission of Theta Phi Alpha is to create close comradeship, to advance educational, social and philanthropic interests, and leadership training; to encourage spiritual development and adherence to the highest moral standards; and to promote lifelong bonds of friendship. We all enjoyed the practices and getting to know each other. OS: What advice would you give to other chapter presidents and their executive boards? Copyright 2021 © The Pennsylvania State University. My goal is to create an atmosphere where the Panhellenic community works closely together as a sisterhood that inspires others and truly supports each other. Description. Lastly, I want to continue to make meaningful personal connections with other organizations within the university community, which can be a lot harder than in person. 2 talking about this. Get the news by email. Motto: Nothing great is ever achieved without much enduring. Penn State’s formal recruitment will be held remotely from January 20 through February 1 for Panhellenic chapters and January 28 through February 17 for Interfraternity chapters. Penn State will impose revised eligibility requirements for students who wish to participate in fraternity and sorority recruitment beginning spring 2021. Theta Phi Alpha was originally founded to offer Catholic women the experience of sorority life, as other sororities did not include Catholic women. Additional Information: Alpha Sigma Tau is a National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) sorority founded at Michigan State Normal College (now Eastern Michigan University). Before she gets down to business, we sat down with Zanghetti to talk about her past experiences, upcoming goals, and plans for improving the Greek community at Penn State. The carnival, which is free and open to all ages, is designed to provide entertainment for Penn State students and members of the State College community alike. Penn State University Panhellenic Council Vice President for Membership If you have questions about anything related to sororities, freshman year, or Penn State, feel free to contact the Vice President for Membership Jackie Alvira at Recognized Groups constantly struggle with negative stereotypes, and unrecognized groups without the same level of accountability erode their ability to be successful. A Compilation Of President Donald Trump’s Penn State-Related Tweets, Journey Brown Talks Heart Condition, ‘New Identity’ In Sit-Down Interview, Penn State Football’s CJ Thorpe Enters NCAA Transfer Portal, Board Of Trustees Adjusts Spring 2021 Room & Board Rates, Bally’s Partners With Former Penn State Trustee For Planned Centre County Mini-Casino, Penn State Football Opts Out Of 2020 Bowl Game, [Photo Story] Record-Breaking Storm Makes Penn State, State College A Winter Wonderland, Marcus Allen Surprises Mom With New Car For Christmas, Alpha Sigma Alpha provides structure and guidance through sisterhood, heritage, and opportunities. This event is held at the Bryce Jordan Center on the University Park campus. AZ: Probably the Dreadnoughtus. Eligibility for both depends on grades and the number of credits you have completed. Alpha Sigma Tau is a National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) sorority founded at Michigan State Normal College (now Eastern Michigan University). The Panhellenic Council at Behrend works as the governing body of our four sororities. In 1968, all restrictive membership clauses were removed from Theta Phi Alpha’s National Constitution and Bylaws and Theta Phi Alpha opened up its membership to all women regardless of race, creed or religious belief. 2 in the country. Students mobilizing for State Day of Service . In a time when much of the world feels divided, isolated, and distressed, Greek life offers a level of support, inclusion, and friendship that is unique and unsurpassed. Sigma Kappa Nu (ΣKN) also known as “Skins”. Philanthropies: Glenmary Home Missioners and The House That Theta Phi Alpha Built, Traditional Activities at Behrend: Pie a Theta Phi and Sapphire Man. I found my home within Panhellenic life at Penn State, and I hope to help others do the same as President. Penn State's fraternities and sororities are committed to the basic principles of membership: This is a really important element of the goals of our board and we have already begun to discuss ways to implement these essential objectives. Penn State University's National Pan-Hellenic Council. . I decided to run for Panhellenic President because I want to help others see the positive aspects of Greek life. The Panhellenic exists to promote the core values of friendship, leadership, service, knowledge, integrity, and community. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated was founded on January 13, 1913 on the campus of Howard University by twenty-two undergraduate women. Women who are majoring in engineering or hard sciences are eligible to join this organization. By our final practice, many members of these chapters became great friends that I probably would not have met if it weren’t for participating in Greek Sing. OS:  How do you plan to collaborate with the rest of the PHC executive board? Check us out on Instagram and Twitter! Theta Phi Alpha was originally founded to offer Catholic women the experience of sorority life, as other sororities did not include Catholic women. Our mission is to foster intellectual, cultural, ethical and social development of our members while building relationships that will transcend the college experience. Penn State Panhellenic Association Sorority Recruitment Guide 2017. 17 likes. The purpose of the Sorority is to promote the ethical, cultural, and social development of its members, specifically to develop the character of each member through a study of ethics so that she will show in all her relationships sincerity, honesty, love and understanding; to help each member enjoy the cultural advantages in life so that she will know how to select those things which are most worthwhile; and to develop in each member the social graces to the extent that she will be able to take her place in life with true dignity and poise. And we ended up winning, which resulted in our performance at 2019 THON! They are committed to relationships built on trust though transparency, accountability, and mutual respect. I want to support the Panhellenic Council members in all matters, building personal relationships with each of them, and pitching in to give assistance whenever it’s needed. Joining Greek life has introduced me to so many incredible friendships and aspects of Penn State. Onward Debates Penn State football’s 2022 recruiting class is currently ranked No. Penn State Panhellenic Association Sorority Recruitment Guide 2017. Natty Nittany I got to see first-hand all of the incredible things that the Panhellenic Council does and its impact on Greek life at Penn State. Additional Information: Phi Sigma Rho is a social sorority for women in technical studies serving our sisters and the community by promoting: a) High standards of personal integrity, respect, and  character, b) Lifelong bonds of sisterhood, and c) Academic and professional excellence with a social balance. We should advocate for diversity and inclusion among our members in all of our chapters. The Panhellenic Council (sometimes abbreviated “Panhel,” or “PHC”) is the governing body for Penn State’s 22 inter/national sorority chapters. Use this guide as your ultimate reference for Fall 2015 Sorority Recruitment! Every person brings something unique to the table, and those differences are a blessing. Today, Penn State is home to one of the largest greek systems in the nation. COVID-19 Statement Posted on March 16, 2020 Following the university’s decision to move to online classes, we want to express that we will continue to be a resource for the Panhellenic community. I believe that listening to other viewpoints and incorporating the best elements of every idea can often result in the most creative and effective solutions to problems. Penn State Panhellenic Pi Chis. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to provide services and programs to promote human … I’m excited to have an opportunity to lead Penn State’s efforts to make this goal a reality. Penn State Panhellenic The official Instagram for the governing council of Penn State’s 20 sororities. The Panhellenic Council works to support organizations while advancing the sorority experience here at Penn State Behrend. AZ: I think the biggest challenge with the coronavirus is finding ways to maintain a positive spirit and good participation at events. I have always been someone with a lot of passion for things that I love. Motto: Active, Self-Reliant, Trustworthy. OS  Per Onward State tradition, if you could be any dinosaur what would you be and why? And for me, Greek life has been just that. Ultimate information resource for all Recruitment Counselors and Potential New Members. OS: How does coronavirus make the challenge of being Panhellenic president different? I am honored to be serving as the President of such a prideful and powerful group of campus leaders. Phi Sigma Rho is a social sorority for women in technical studies serving our sisters and the community by promoting: a) High standards of personal integrity, respect, and  character, b) Lifelong bonds of sisterhood, and c) Academic and professional excellence with a social balance. Penn State’s formal fraternity and sorority recruitment for spring 2021 will be held virtually Jan. 20 – Feb. 1 for Panhellenic Council chapters and Jan. 28 – Feb. 17 for Interfraternity Council chapters. The Primary Recruitment period is comprised of multiple rounds where potential new members visit each of the eight chapters on Penn's campus. AZ: I am most excited to work with the new board and continue to build better relationships with the other councils and organizations at Penn State. They are committed to relationships built on trust though transparency, accountability, and mutual respect. OS: Why did you decide to join Greek life? Alpha Sigma Alpha is a National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) social and service sorority that exists to promote high ideals and standards for its members throughout their lives by emphasizing balance among the four aims of intellectual, physical, spiritual, and social development. Sign up for Penn State Today, a daily email news update for all Penn Staters. … National Pan-Hellenic Council The National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) is the governing body for National Pan-Hellenic Council ("Divine Nine") and historically black fraternity and sorority chapters. International students with extenuating circumstances can begin moving back into the dorms on January 4. They are organizations that value and encourage sisterhood, philanthropy, self-confidence, acceptance, inclusion, inspiration, integrity, wellness, and more for today’s young women. Penn State University. . Squirrel Girl. Additional Information: Alpha Sigma Alpha is a National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) social and service sorority that exists to promote high ideals and standards for its members throughout their lives by emphasizing balance among the four aims of intellectual, physical, spiritual, and social development. I have always valued friendship and the closeness of my relationships with teammates on sports teams and with my family. Panhellenic Council moves to reopen Phi Sigma Sigma, Delta Phi Epsilon chapters. OS: What changes do you intend to make during your term? OS: What has been your best Greek life memory so far? Renata is a sophomore majoring in International Politics and one of Onward State's contributors. Penn State Panhellenic Executive Council | 57 seguidores en LinkedIn. OS: Why did you decide to join Greek life? This means relying on alternative means of communication. She's from Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil and no, she doesn't live in the middle of the Amazon forest. I think sometimes from an outside perspective, Greek involvement gets a bad name and in my experience, that is undeserved and inaccurate. 215 HUB-Robeson Center | University Park, PA 16802 | (814) 863-8065 | | OS: How do your past experiences make you qualified for this position? We will be posting important updates regarding events on our Instagram page (@PennStatePHC) throughout the next few weeks. Its name literally means “fear nothing”, and they are one of the only herbivores that had little to no predators, which I think is pretty cool. Should advocate for your chapters now, so use your voice NPC ) sorority at! Without much enduring and honor councils to host spring Carnival for things that the Panhellenic exists to the... Am honored to be successful developing scholars, leaders, and i hope help. On Friday of the largest Greek systems in the middle of penn state panhellenic executive... 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