Deux modes d’action pour un effet choc et une persistance d’action. It is recommended to use a maximum of 500 litres of water per hectare. It has unique water soluble packaging made for accuracy in dosage and user safety. Change of Price or Unavailability of a Product: In the case of a change in price or unavailability of a product, you could change your order or request that we send your money to your store credit with Afrimash (that is your Afrimash Wallet). Call: (+234) 809 409 1115 WhatsApp: (234) 808 280 8271 Email: [email protected]. Mixture of contact & systemic insecticide, Dosage – 80 ml per acre, Thiamethoxam (12.6%) + Lambdacyhalothrin (9.5%) ZC, Excellent product for the Right Start of the crop with effective control against sucking pests. Do you want to play a vital role in shaping the future of sustainable agriculture? FIRST AID Eye splashes: Hold eyelids apart and pour in a gentle stream of water for 10-15 minutes. Inspired by the passion and dedication of farmers, Aleksander Aamodt Kilde, Overall World Cup Winner 2019/20 in alpine skiing shares our commitment to create a greener, healthier and safer planet. We are developing new higher yielding seeds and better ways … Go to a doctor. Citrus (1) Apply Citrus filter Cucurbits (1) Apply Cucurbits filter Field Tomatoes (1) Apply Field Tomatoes filter Forage Brassicas (4) Apply Forage Brassicas filter Grapes (2) Apply Grapes filter Horticultural Brassicas (1) Apply Horticultural Brassicas filter Kale (1) Apply Kale filter Kiwifruit (3) Apply Kiwifruit filter Leafy Vegetable (1) Apply Leafy Vegetable filter If breathing is irregular or stopped, administer artificial respiration. . Insecticide. HOW TO USE KARATE®5 EC KARATE® 5 EC is highly active (by contact and ingestion) against a wide range of insect pests - see table. Do not smoke, drink or eat while using this product. Pegasus is a new specialty, research based insecticide from Syngenta for the excellent control of whitefly nymphs and mites. KARATE INSECTICIDE. We are developing seeds that require less water and products that will allow crops to grow in dry conditions. Grow it safe: Sound agricultural practices ensure a safe and sustainable food supply, How good vegetable breeding can combat food loss, Breeding healthy vegetables in times of climate change, Positive action for pollinators and biodiversity. KARATE 5 EC is a wide spectrum insecticide containing lambda-cyhalothrin for control of insect pests of cotton and other crops including grasshoppers, locusts and army worm. Syngenta Insecticide Pegasus. Treat symptomatically. Wear eye protection (at least glasses). KARATE ZEON contains lambda-cyhalothrin for the control of a range of insect pests in a range of crops. Do not exceed 1.5 L AGRIMEC® 1.8% EC per hectare per application. În cazul contactului cu pielea: Se vor scoate imediat toate hainele contaminate. 13.12.2020. 12629. Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc. P.O. IF KARATE 5EC IS SWALLOWED do not make the person vomit. Netaji Subhash Place, New Delhi Best Sky Tower, Unit 708, Pitampura, North West, Netaji Subhash Place, New Delhi - 110034, Delhi. Consider administration of activated charcoal and a laxative. Tel: (051) 377203 SPECIMEN - 2018 to date For over fifteen years, our Operation Pollinator seed mixes have created essential habitats for bees, butterflies and other beneficial insects. DIRECTIONS FOR USE . Use the lowest dose at low infestations and increase dosage in heavy infestations. store Deutschland. Chemical Composition: Diafenthiuron 50 WP. Cutworm. Affirm, 150 g is a Syngenta with Emamectin Benzoate, has no effect on bees and Suitable for bio crops, against caterpillars, diamondback moth, horse-chestnut leaf miner, large white butterfly, summer fruit tortrix. It is specially made for vegetables. It is specially made for vegetables. CP product: Karate Zeon . Karate: How to use. Chemical Composition: Lambda-cyhalothrin. Syngenta UK Limited CPC4, Capital Park, Fulbourn, Cambridge, CB21 5XE. INSECTICIDE GROUP K. A capsule suspension contact and stomach insecticide for the control of various insects as indicated. We are developing seeds that require less water and products that will allow crops to grow in dry conditions. Phytosanitaires. What do different crop protection products do? Biostimulant interest hots up. Curacron 500 EC has a broad spectrum of activity against cutter insects, suckers, scraper miners, and foliage eaters. The Best Covid-19 Responses Point the Way to Feeding the World Sustainably, Accelerate innovation for farmers and nature, Creating an environment where all employees can be themselves, Find out what skiing and agriculture have in common. INSECTICIDE GROUP K. A capsule suspension contact and stomach... Read more about Karate Zeon; Patron 75 WP. Syngenta plays a critical role in harnessing the power of plants to meet these challenges. Exploring Operation Pollinator Bees 'n' Seeds with Phil Jarvis. Farmers face many challenges growing our food, including diseases, pests and climate change. We’re committed to keeping our employees safe and to supporting farmers in their efforts to produce enough nutritious and affordable food, well beyond the current health crisis. Ichiban Crop Science Limited. All Inclusive of Taxes. Massacre (Chlorpyrifos 20% | 1 Litre Insecticide), Hallakat Insecticide (Emamectin Benzoate | Acetamiprid | 250mL), Sharp Shooter (1 Litre Insecticide) – Carton of 12 Pieces, 2-in-1 Rechargeable Hand/Battery Powered Knapsack Sprayer (16L), Premium Japanese Koi Carp (Ornamental Fish), WANDA Semi-automatic Poultry Cages [Premium], High-Quality Nipple Drinker plus Saddle (For Poultry Drinking Lines), Automatic Nipple Drinker with Drip Cup for Chickens, 5 Best Management Practices in Poultry Farming During Cold Weather, Turkey Production: General Management Practices, What You Need to Know About Feed Formulation for Livestock, How to Participate in the Afrimash 100k Challenge, How To Manage Drop In Egg Production For Layers, Weighing Scales: A Secret Weapon in Poultry Production, Oil Palm Production In Nigeria: What You Should Know. Broad spectrum of activity-will control the several crop pests in one spray. Change and wash your work clothes. If Karate Insecticide is swallowed, do not make the person vomit. ©2020 Syngenta. (-) Remove
Treatment: Insecticide filter Treatment: Insecticide; Remove collection. KARATE ZEON Version 7 Revision Date 11.06.2008 Print Date 11.06.2008 Version 7 Page 1 of 9 ... Sheet with you when calling the Syngenta emergency number, a poison control center or physician, or going for treatment. Karate 5EC is a broad-spectrum insecticide containing lambda-cyhalothrin as the active ingredient. 50ml/ha 4 14 days 200ml/ha Before late milk stage (GS 77) Aphids, yellow cereal fly, orange blossom midge and gout fly. Product Description . store България. Syngenta, Anglia: 00/44/1484/538 444 vagy Syngenta Kft., Magyarország: 06/1/488 2288 Mérgezéskor, vagy annak gyanújakor az Egészségügyi Toxikológiai Tájékoztató Szolgálat díjmentesen, 24 órán keresztül hívható zöld száma: 06 80 201 199 INSECTICIDE GROUP 17 A wettable powder systemic contact... Read more about Patron 75 WP; Pegasus 500 SC. karate® 5 EC possède une large persistance d’action : 2à 3 semaines pendant lesquelles le produit évite des réinfestations par les ravageurs ( effet répulsif, anti-appétant et anti-ponte). Insecticide. Recommended dose Maximum number of applications Pre Harvest Interval (PHI) 40 mL/ha: Refer to … 15 Days no question Replacement Return Policy. Add the required quantity of product to water whilst under agitation to ensure thorough mixing. Box 18300 Greensboro, NC 27419-8300 OFFICE OF PREVENTION. Verified Supplier. Syngenta South Africa 10,625 views. Novel granular formulation-pours like a liquid therefore easy to handle. Formulation: Suspension de capsules (CS) Insecticide contre divers ravageurs. A broad spectrum synthetic pyrethroid insecticide for the control of biting, chewing and sucking insect pests. Demand ® CS insecticide with iCAP ™ technology is an advanced generation, proven product with a unique and proprietary microencapsulated formulation that offers outstanding residual control of a broad range of crawling and flying insects.. Overview. If you get it on your skin, wash it off at once. Enter the details of your request and send. Syngenta to introduce first commercial ToBRFV resistant tomato variety. Every year, roughly 600 million people suffer from food-borne illnesses, while an estimated 3 million die from illnesses contracted from unsafe food or water. Insecticide contre les pucerons. It's reliable, fast acting, more powerful granular insecticide for complete control of pests in vegetables. Syngenta ₹ 635; Quantity. Syngenta Group. Be the first to write the review | Write review. Karate® Insecticide with Zeon™ Technology Active Ingredient: Lambda-cyhalothrin [1 a ( ... SYNGENTA warrants that this product conforms to the chemical description on the label and is reasonably fit for the purposes stated in the Directions for Use, subject to the inherent risks referred to above, when used in accordance with directions under normal use conditions. Please consult Syngenta Ireland for advice on mixture products. store Magyarorszàgi. iOSR Focus Site update from Rougham Innovation Centre . Insecticid de contact care, pe lângă efectul rapid și de șoc împotriva dăunătorilor, oferă cea mai lungă perioadă de protecție, datorită tehnologiei "ZEON". Multicultures. Karate is a Group 3 , emulsifiable concentrate contact and stomach insecticide for the control of various insects. To request a refund, after you are logged into, go to My Account > Orders > Support ... for the order in question. dose Maximum number of applications Minimum interval betweeen sprays Maximum total dose Latest timing of application Specific pest controlled Winter and spring wheat, winter and spring barley, winter rye and triticale. Syngenta Bangladesh Dose: 2-2.5 gm/ Lt, Water Volume 200 ltr. How good vegetable breeding can combat food loss Our plant breeders use science to help farmers grow vegetables that thrive in dry conditions and have a natural resistance to pests and disease. Recommended dose Maximum number of applications Pre Harvest Interval (PHI) 40 mL/ha : Refer to label: 3 Days: Stage of use: Apply when insects first appear and if necessary 2 to 3 weeks later. Subscribe to our media alerts and receive notifications by email every time we issue a media release. Safety precautions ... Zavezujoča so tista besedila, ki se nahaja na prodajnih proizvodih podjetja Syngenta, kateri se prodajajo v Sloveniji. Crop: Beans. SYNGENTA - Insecticide. When using mist blower, wear a mask covering nose and mouth. Insecticide. Tvertnes maisījumu sagatavošana Šaubu gadījumā konsultēties firmas pārstāvniecībā. Syngenta is a global, science-based agtech company with 28,000 employees in 90 countries – find out everything you need to know at a glance. Available in 80 ml Pack. SKUID : AGRZYSUB000017. Go to a doctor. Ta besedila so veljavna izključno za slovensko tržišče. Contact Supplier Request a quote. Should you need additional information regarding California or any other state product labels please use the Field Representative Finder application within this Web site or contact the Syngenta Customer Resource Center at 866-796-4368 for accurate label use prior to buying and using the product. EPA Reg. Orthoptera under control in UBV, use a dose of 100-200 cc / ha. Brand: Syngenta. Sprayers control Orthoptera, 10-20 cc / hl; Canplus mix with 1/2 to 3/4 of the total volume to use and then pour the required amount of Karate Zeon dissolved in water and fill the tank up to the total volume of broth to prepare, stirring until smooth emulsion. Your session has expired. Spinach and similar: control aphids, 10-20 cc / hl. KARATE ZEON is an insecticide for insect control in Cereals, Citrus, Grapes, Vegetable and Forage Brassicas, Tomatoes, Beans, Onions, Potatoes, Maize, Sweet … There is no cash refund for store credits. Exhibits good overall crop outlook and better crop greening with more branches and flower initiation. Refunds are approved only after the conditions required for refund are met. Some products may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties. KARATE ZEON Product Label (619.31 KB) KARATE ZEON Safety Data Sheet (153.63 KB) Agronomy Issues. P261 Éviter de respirer le brouillard de pulvérisation. Dernière mise à jour: 24.05.2016. • Keep unused KARATE 5 EC in this container, tightly closed, locked up out of reach of children and away from food. INSECTICIDE A capsule suspension contact and stomach insecticide for the control of various insects as indicated. It can eliminate or reduce the acaricidal sprays needed in the season if applied regularly, especially using high volume ground sprays. The products are packed in 250mL bottles. All photos are either the property of Syngenta or are used with permission. PESTIClDES AND TOXIC SUBSTANCES Subject: Amendment: Update/Add use directions to reflect use patterns approved for similar products. Tel: +44 (0) 1223 883400 Marketing Company Syngenta Ireland Ltd Block 6, Cleaboy Business Park, Old Kilmeaden Road, Waterford. Our plant breeders use science to help farmers grow vegetables that thrive in dry conditions and have a natural resistance to pests and disease. KARATE ZEON applied to control aphid vectors of Beet Western Yellow Virus will reduce the level of virus in the crop and will also provide good control of Cabbage Stem Flea Beetle adults and larvae depending on their incidence and the period of egg hatch Add a non-ionic surfactant adjuvant that is not an organosilicone in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Syngenta Flowers North America is one of the largest wholesale breeders of hybrid flower seed and cuttings in the world – developing and producing flower seeds and cuttings for growers internationally. If you experience drowsiness, dizziness, hypotension or a headache as side-effects when using Karate Liquid medicine then it may not be safe to drive a vehicle or operate heavy machinery.One should not drive a vehicle if using the medicine makes you drowsy, dizzy or lowers your blood-pressure extensively. Share 0 +1. Easy Return; 100% Original; Brand New; Pay Securely; Delivered by? Target list: Tomato Fruitworm. Keep patient warm and at rest. It has unique water soluble packaging made for accuracy in dosage and user safety. Eye splashes: Hold eyelids apart and pour in a gentle stream of water for 10-15 minutes. CASH ON DELIVERY? Call +91-8068442224 Dial Ext 466 when connected. KARATE ZEON® - AMM N° 9800336 - Composition : 100 g/l lambda-cyhalothrine * - P102 Tenir hors de portée des enfants. Se va späla imediat cu foarte multä apä. On this World Food Day, we are well positioned to build a truly sustainable food system. Biostimulant interest hots up . Fighting climate change. Chemical Composition: Lambda-cyhalothrin. Pegasus is a specialty research based insecticide for the excellent control of white fly nymphs and mites. A capsule suspension formulation containing 100 g/l lambda-cyhalothrin and 1,2-benzisothiazolin-3-one. We’re the world leader in protecting crops, providing farmers with advanced and sustainable ways to keep plants healthy from sowing to harvesting. ACTARA is a unique new insecticide, which provides effective, fast acting, long lasting elimination of a broad range of sucking and some chewing pests and is safer to crop, user and beneficial insects. Dose: 1.5 – 2.0mL/liter of water. Syngenta plays a critical role in harnessing the power of plants to meet these challenges. Syngenta Vegetable Seeds has announced the launch of its first commercial Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) resistant variety, available in early 2021. Healthy seeds for farmers, commercial growers and retailers any major crops because of its scope! The most efficient and cheapest molecule for borers ; Manufactured by M/s of manufacture in original sealed stored... Vor scoate imediat toate hainele contaminate dosage in heavy infestations in odvračalnim delovanjem if applied regularly, especially high... 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