Skin tones range from light brown to deep tan, like sand. Because air, fire, and water all depend on growing things for their enrichment, and because earth alone must sustain itself, it is the earth clerics who must carry on the burden of preventing the environmental holocaust looming over Athas, such as teaching proper agricultural techniques and slaying defilers who would turn usable elements to ash. The Kreen language is very different from those of the other intelligent races. Commonly made from cured animal hide fitted for a particular user. Those who succeed find 1d6 + Wisdom modifier pounds of food and repeat the roll for water. Choose from the War, Nature, or Grave (Xanathar) domains, adjusted as follows: Channel Divinity: Replace Guided Strike with "Rock Solid." If an action is interrupted (such as fighter is Disarmed), the DM should permit the player to take a related action (such as picking up the item or using fists.) Your base walking speed is 35 feet. Your immense body mass allows you to occasionally shrug off injury. Mulworm Poison (contact). The total number of mortals who wield these powers and make a pact with the unknown can likely be counted on one hand. Stoic and dull to pain, muls are not easily intimidated by the lash. Your greatest satisfaction is completing the focus. For example, if a half-giant village is near elven raiders, they are likely to emulate the guerilla tactics of the elves. Replace light with produce flame. 3. As a melee weapon, the wielder holds one blade cluster in each hand and swings them in unison or succession at the foe. The restless mobs are placated with bread and circuses - the arenas overflow with spectators seeking release from their harsh lives. Until this poison ends, the reduction cannot be healed by any means. Made from mixing sun bleached inix bone and epserweed sap, this poison is typically mixed with spiced wine. Female Names: Alansa, Anezka, Dokala, Grelzen, Horga, Jikx, Joura, Nasaha, Vensa. A 4-foot-long head made of dried insect hide or roots is attached to a 3-foot-long handle, with teeth or claws embedded in the head, enabling it to create horrible wounds. Their mastery of the rules of slave life and their boundless capacity for hard work allows them to gain favor with their masters and reputation among their fellow slaves. Life in the Athasian wastes makes them rugged, tanned, and callused. Size. Will it hold salvation or death? Whether you are a mul gladiator, competing for the cheers of thousands, or the elven trickster selling contraband goods as part of your cover for the Veiled Alliance, or a thri-kreen hunter enthralled by the irregular behaviors of humanoids, you will face the same basic question: are you here simply to survive, or do you dare to do more? It has been said a few desperate souls have even tattooed books onto their own skin. Half-giants mature around 24 years of age and can live up to 220 years. However, this innate need to fit in is more than a whim. The target must make a DC10 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 8 hours. Insight. No others can assist (since the casting time is only 1 action). College of Glamour (Xanathar). I wrote a small history/back story of where we are when the party starts. A creature subject to this poison must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or have his Intelligence reduced by (2) 1d4 points. None should be easy to complete and should take at least 1 week or longer to finish to be worthwhile. After one successful save, the effect ends and the points are fully restored after a long rest. Bloodthirsty raiders, greedy slavers, and hordes of merciless savages overrun the deserts and wastelands. An erdlu is appropriate as a mount for a Medium humanoid creature. 10. Simulacrum snow) are replaced with an Athas equivalent (e.g. The hard scales provide superior protection to traditional scale armor. Mature Thri‐kreen stand about 7 feet tall, with a rough body length of 11 feet. Every city-state has a thieves' guild, and they often deal with wizards (no questions asked), who pay fees not only for illegal components but for protection and anonymity. Polearm Master feat modified: the first attack of opportunity taken in a round using this feat does not consume your reaction. Unless listed below, remove the name of the caster (e.g. The DC of the check is 10 + 1 per time previously restored from the dead (representing erosion of the soul to this plane). The target must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or have disadvantage to all Dexterity-based saving throws and checks for 1 minute. toiling for brutal taskmasters. D&D 4.0 - Dark Sun Campaign Setting.pdf. Because hit points are not at maximum, any healing to a staggered character does not restore Vitality. Every bit of nonsentient plant life in the immediate vicinity is turned to ash, and the land is rendered sterile, unable to sustain life for possibly decades or centuries after. It disturbs you that your dra (sentient meat creatures like humans) companions lie unconscious for a third of their lifetimes. fighting, running) for at least 1 minute, you must make a Constitution saving throw or gain 1 level of exhaustion. After using this trait, you cannot use it again until you finish a short or long rest. The poison of the gold scorpion is extremely potent for its tiny size, causing muscle spasms and loss of strength more commonly associated with much larger poisonous creatures. Ties. the right anti-aging serums! The traditional classes and archetypes may have been modified or do not exist. Defilers have a penalty to the saving throw equal to their defiler aura points. One hand goes on a small bar and another on a grip at the rear of the shaft to increase thrust. Fire is a destroyer and creator. The DC and skill varies by what the player attempts, and you cannot duplicate another’s efforts. Age. A shaman or witch doctor, who also acts as a spiritual leader, often rules their clans. Resistance to damage from splashed materials and contact poisons. May 20, 2020 23:39. This is not an Adventurer’s League event. Purple grass extract (ingested). Some eventually go insane, consumed by the thirst of this land and an inability to quench it. Some enjoy proving themselves better than humans or elves at a task, and others simply turn to different cultures, such as thri-kreen or muls, for friendship. This does not apply to weapons that fire ammunition such as bows. Thri‐kreen view humanoids as possible sources of food but rarely hunt them as humanoids are not simple prey. So, a metal long sword (15gp in the PHB) costs 15gp on Athas, or 1500 ceramic pieces. Formé en 2002 après la séparation de Nörthwind, le groupe compte un total de six albums studio. Double the duration of any spell with a duration of at least 1 minute, maximum 24 hours. You cannot jump backwards. Holy Symbol. You are not required to make saves for a Forced March. For someone to intentionally stand in the way of your focus is an assault on you. Reduces weight by 4 pounds for light or medium armor. You're left out in the cold. You are proficient with the gythka, chatkcha, and your claws and bite. Anyone riding in a howdah is considered to be at rest and shaded. Contrary to the variety of humans, thri-kreen are largely predisposed to tasks due to their racial memory. You can use your reaction when being hit to gain resistance to all damage from that hit except psychic damage, and you are immune to effects from that hit that would knock you prone or shove you. Talid. A wide blade is mounted to a 3-foot-long wooden shaft that requires two hands to wield. Impaler. Erdlus are hard to control in battle unless trained. Every city-state has a thieves' guild, and they often deal with wizards (no questions asked), who pay fees not only for illegal components but for protection and anonymity. A thri-kreen is born from an egg and becomes fully mature at 6 years. Focus is the central point of your existence, and no simple job will suffice. Subject to DM discretion, wearing it may give advantage to Charisma (intimidation) checks in that city. Dwarves labor at projects beyond the scope of men, and feral halflings lie in ambush. Beneath a crimson sun lie wastelands of majestic desolation and cities of cruel splendor, where sandal clad heroes battle ancient sorcery and terrible monsters. Circle of Land. Kank: A large, 8‐foot long insect, commonly used as a personal mount. Part 9 contains a section for homebrew, optional rules, but these are also not necessary to enjoy the Dark Sun world. Modify Speech of the Woods. You cannot swim. The series is a BBC co-production with the American streaming service Hulu.. A typical half-elf stands close to 6 ½ feet tall and weighs 140 pounds. Strangers are potential enemies waiting to take advantage of an elf, so they look to get the advantage first. Uncomfortable with change, halflings tend to rely on intangible constants, such as racial identity, family, clan ties and personal honor. Hide. Blight (injury). A kank is appropriate as a mount for a Medium humanoid creature. The chitinous shell of the mastyrial is valued for its protective qualities. Thought Projection. Bards are subject to the rules of defiling contained in the wizard section. Your ability scores all increase by 1. When a mentor believes that a disciple is ready, after meditation, the initiate is buried alive in a fertile land at dawn and must commune with the spirits of the earth to sustain her. In Dungeons & Dragons, races like orcs and the dark-skinned underground elves known as drow will no longer be inherently evil. Includes a backpack, 10 feet of string, a bell, 5 candles, a bag of bone caltrops, a fire kit, a bone grappling hook, 2 flasks of oil, and a waterskin. This replaces the Tempest bonus proficiency and is added to the Trickster domain. For the people of Athas, psionics are special because it’s the one source of extraordinary power that does not make them beholden to someone or something else. The growing power of the sun has made the air angry, dry and lifeless, unable to power hurricanes and typhoons. A howdah is a frame with seats designed to be mounted on the back of an inix or mekillot. Less than one person in We thought it might be fascinating to have a look at the most-viewed properties on during the past six weeks They revere the elements and ancestral memory causes them to revere the Great One, a legendary leader from many clutches past. Life among slave tribes is often brutal and short. Dwarven Toughness. Animate Shadow: As an action, make a target creature's shadow move and animate as you desire in an area you can see up to 120' away. Popular in arenas, this is a 6-foot-long pole with a blade on either end. A series of sharp, serrated edges line the shaft below the blades while the far end of the weapon is weighted to balance it. Modify: object reading also functions as an identify spell. At 3rd level, your legs have grown powerful enough to jump 50 feet forward or 20 straight up, without a running start. Carapace. To cast an arcane spell, a magic user siphons power from the living world. Alternately, Short Bows have a 13 Strength minimum and Long Bows a 15 Strength minimum to avoid having disadvantage on the attack. Add bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing quality to a weapon. Chariot. With the right name, an elf child can grow to greatness, but the wrong name may cause one to vanish in the wastes. The land outside the cities belongs to no one. This takes 1 day of uninterrupted contact with the earth or plants of the region per point to be purged, in at least 8 hour increments in which the caster can do nothing else but light activity like eating and drinking. In many events, the exact radius defiled will have no impact if not tracked. Christian Hoffer (@CHofferCBus) thinks Wizards of the Coast is indicating Dark Sun May be next setting released. Channel Divinity. Options that replace an Action, such as Shove or Grapple (PHB 195) and Ready (PHB 193), need not be declared in advance. Types: kes'trekel feather, spidersilk, giantweave. Non-psionic player characters may begin play with a random d20 wild talent. Ability Score Increase. Gold is too scarce to make good currency and silver is only slightly more common. When is sunrise, sunset times for 2020? Wizards learn quickly and share secrets with friends and family on hiding spellbooks, keeping one step ahead if possible from templar searches. A dagger to the heart will kill a 10th level character just as well as an elderly librarian, and one hit from a giant's club will end any character. It cannot be combined with a shield (the better bonus applies), but if a pair are worn, their effects stack to a maximum of +2. Set in the epic desert wasteland Althas, Dark Sun is Mad Max meets D&D plus psionics. You no longer have movement. For flavor only, any spell that purports to have a metallic effect (e.g. All metal items cost the listed gold piece (gp) price. They rarely maintain a friendship for long as it is their experience that everyone is going to let you down or betray you eventually, but at times it is necessary to ally or simply not be alone. A target must make a Constitution save or be poisoned for 1 minute; if failed by 5 or more, the target is paralyzed for the duration. Your turn. The Empath follows a philosophy of study that belief equals reality. Standard array (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8), or point-cost variant (PHB 13) if permitted. dark sun 5e sourcebook when. This rule replaces Death Saves with Vitality, which represent the actual physical damage a character can sustain before dying. Critic lizard (a tiny, colorful reptile that senses danger, expects food after fights, is jumpy and paranoid), Hurrum (flightless beetle that constantly produces a pleasing humming noise while cooling itself, dies in direct sunlight and likes to hum songs you are thinking about), Jank (gold furred ferret-like mammal with poisonous spurs, likes to stuff its mouth pouches and play with objects in your packs), Kivit (gray-furred feline that secretes venomous musk to ward off predators, hates being inside and musk spell intensifies when upset), Wrab (black-scaled winged serpent that senses emotional states, often trained for diplomatic encounters, likes to lick blood from your wounds and wrap around your arm when you attempt to persuade others, fly), Z'tal (chirping feathered lizard often used as food, gets alarmed when party members stray and often bumps into your leg). Psionic monk gladiators are considered by their owners to be less trouble than a true psion because their powers tend to stay restricted to the physical form. The halflings who live there would as soon eat you alive as look at you. Most weapons are made from an amalgamation of obsidian, bone, or wood. This may be a particular stretch of desert, an oasis, a cave, a belt of scrub grass, and so on. For most a single name suffices. In most cities, water is drawn from a collective cistern maintained by templars and then distributed or sold. of an immortal tyrant. If a companion shows promise, the elf devises a series of “tests” of trust that allows them to prove their friendship is “stronger than the bonds of death,” as elves say. Worn in an over-the-shoulder harness, this is commonly found in the Nibenese infantry. Copper Coins Geek Native is an affiliate and may earn commission on purchases you make from third-party sites. However, broy can be served warm and spiced with a pungent herb that disguises its sourness, as well as enhancing its enrapturing powers. Reduces AC granted by cover by 1 to ammunition weapons. In all appearances, they are gods of this world. Halfling fighters willingly sacrifice themselves to obey their leader, leaving outsiders to perceive them as fanatics when halflings dearly love and enjoy life. Defensive. Halflings can easily become frustrated with such “uncultured” creatures lose patience with outsider intolerance of their ways, such as eating other humanoids. Those who fail the saving throw by 5 or more are also unconscious and may be awakened by taking damage or if another creature uses an action to shake them awake. Half-giants are enormous individuals, generally 10 to 12 feet high and weighing in upwards of 1600 pounds. Earth clerics commonly use small chunks of granite, quartz, or precious metal, and those with resources may mount it in a staff or medallion. You may maintain this for 1 round per level and must use a bonus action to make it move and animate. Tool Proficiency. While omnivores, halflings prefer raw flesh and let no meat go to waste, including that of enemies, humans, and other sentient creatures. Over time and with trust, players may not need to say anything and instead will roll their die and be ready when the DM asks if ready. No self-respecting elf will ride an animal, and it is a severe dishonor to do so. Until this poison ends, the damage caused by the poison cannot be healed by any means. They readily imitate customs and cultures of those they admire or associate with. Skilled rogue performers are referred to as "bards," with the presumption they might also be serving as a covert agent or assassin. Given that Wizards seems to have abandoned the mystic class, I think taking a different tactic - bringing Dark Sun to 5e instead of vice versa - is probably a better option. For millennia, templar-controlled kilns have manufactured ceramic coins from clay, glazed in specific colors to discourage forgery. Requires half the time to don or doff. Unlike traditional settings, Athasian elves rarely live past 140 years. If you roll a natural 1, the extra vitality damage is 1d4 instead of 1. Datchi club. Immune to deadly or high critical hit properties from the optional weapon rules. A blunt grappling hook attached to 5-7 feet of rope with a 2 foot-long handle. Dark Sun: Shattered Lands The Dark Sun world of Athas is arid and bleak, a wasteland with a handful of cities ruled by thousand-year-old sorcerer-kings. The merchant houses employ their own armies to protect trade, including well-trained cavalry and foot soldiers. Barding. They live off the land, within the land, and they have sacrificed their entire lives for the land. Halflings are small creatures, standing only about 3 1/2 feet tall and weighing 50 to 60 pounds. Although thousands of Athasians command a unique talent, true masters of the Way are still rare. Halflings reach adulthood at the same rate as humans and live to be about 120 years old. Defiling. Some mul gladiators even come to see slavery as an acceptable part of their lives, being given good food, good housing, and mates. However, I think the land defiled should be much greater. Meditating in an undefiled area of Athas is the only way to eliminate defiler points and not accumulate a permanent defiler aura. Humans are the dominant culture in the explored parts of Athas, known for their versatility and adaptability. Clerics of water instinctively sense a duty to perform an age-old function of being healer and bringer of life regardless of the morals of the target, and they bear a sadness to the moisture that has been lost by defilement. Next, select a Social Standing commensurate to your background: templar or city official (aristocratic), noble (wealthy), merchant (comfortable), freeman/woman (modest), slave / tribesman / hermit (wretched to poor. Thick padding underneath cushions attacks, and buckles and straps evenly distribute the weight. Each success reduces the Resurrection check by 3, but each failure raises it by 1. 1. Claws. For example, the primary currency is a "ceramic piece (cp)," not a gold piece, which is far more valuable on Athas. 17. Tower shield. Durations that persist until the "beginning" or "end" of your turn (such as guiding bolt, chill touch, and monk's stunning strike), last until the end of the next round. It cannot actually affect anything in a material way and must remain on a surface large enough to display the shadow. Most have human names as they cannot run as elves to gain a given name, nor an accepted tribal name. Bows Are Hard to Pull: It takes strength to pull back a bow. Dark Sun Gwyndolin Information "Mark the words of mineself, Gwyndolin! Athas’ wilderness is home to the long-limbed elves, a race of traders, herders, and fast moving raiders. You can speak the Primordial language of your element at 1st level. High Critical. Carroz now has a total of 4 defiler points, which give him a -2 to Charisma and Wisdom checks. Whenever you defile, you gain defiler points based on the effect applied according to the Defiling Benefits and Cost Table. Similarly, spells that require a watery component (e.g. Muls enjoy traits that are uniquely their own, such as their robust metabolism and almost inexhaustible capacity for work. Trending Comics Political Cartoons Web Comics All Categories Popular Comics A … Elves idle for days until compelled to exert themselves, but they can run for days without complaint. When supplemented with a backing of leather over cloth padding, it serves as a superior armor. Weapons without damage, like a net, fall under "actions not listed." With DM permission, your character might be able to read Dwarvish with an appropriate background. Most fire clerics are impulsive and destructive like their element, and seen as madmen who randomly destroy precious organic material. Their devotion to an established hierarchy in villages means they tend to follow rules even to the point of ridicule. Many areas of Athas have no resources to be found and at times no check will be possible. Drawn from Wraith Wright's Comprehensive Equipment Manual, DMGuild. Druids concentrate their considerable abilities in a dwarven cleric of the Sun and be by! Face can be treated—and these vitamin C-filled correctors get the job done as humanoids not... Given name, much to the long-limbed elves, a cave, a sign of,! Are enormous individuals, generally 10 to 12 feet high and weighing in upwards 1600... Indicated below points he can assume per casting and at each higher spell.. 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