Bitches are distinctly feminine, but without weakness in substance or structure. The Beauceron is most commonly seen in with black and tan coloring, but is also seen in a harlequin of tan and gray. I'm the breeder behind Wanderlust Beaucerons located in Texas. This is the price you can expect to budget for a Beauceron with papers but without breeding rights nor show quality. Treats can be an important aid in training, but giving too many can cause obesity. This is not a breed for novice owners. The whole conformation gives the impression of depth and solidity without bulkiness, exhibiting the strength, endurance and agility required of the herding dog. The sale of Beauceron puppies is a private matter between the purchaser and the breeder. The Beauceron is imposing and powerful, but also remarkably smart, spirited, and a versatile herder—imagine a. All Beauceron found here are from AKC-Registered parents. Beauceron for sale in United States. The loin is broad, short and muscular. This versatile and whip-smart breed also has a history of military and police K-9 work. Chest – The chest is wide, deep, long, and descends to the point of the elbow. The eyes must be dark brown, never lighter than dark hazel. Rose and Prae babies - Four weeks of age. It doesn’t require a lot of grooming, but it does shed. The Beauceron is closely related to the longhaired Briard or Berger de Brie. .aps-next-780433052 > i.icon-right-open-big { margin-bottom: 25px; As with all breeds, the Beauceron’s nails should be trimmed regularly, because overly long nails can cause the dog pain as well as problems walking and running. ABC Health Award of Merit Recipients – Jan 2021, 2021 ABC Calendars Available for Pre-Order, 2021 ABC Health Award of Merit Recipients. All rights reserved. Beaucerons are eager and willing workers, whose intelligence and obedience make them extremely versatile and superior working dogs. Like all farm dogs, he served multiple purposes, from driving flocks to guarding his property and family. } The croup is well muscled and slightly sloped in the direction of the attachment of the tail. The Beauceron, also known as the Berger de Beauce or the Bas Rouge, is a French shepherd dog whose name is derived from the vast agricultural region southwest of Paris. A lot. Or use the contact form to send us a message. top: 40%; There was a Beauceron dog in a Soviet embassy scene in the 1990 Luc Besson film Nikita. In 1863 a man named Pierre Megnin differentiated two types of sheepdogs, one with a long coat, which became known as the Briard, and the other with a short coat, which became the Beauceron. The height and width of the head are each slightly less than half its total length. The same dog also placed 3rd best herding dog at the Westminster Kennel Club Show in New York City in 2012. .outer_wrap-416611060{ .aps-prev-780433052, The Beauceron is a very athletic dog that gives the impression of strength. background: #686868; A working Beauceron can have high nutritional demands, so remember to assess your dog’s condition regularly to be sure his diet is meeting his needs. transition: all 0.2s linear; The Beauceron is a large dog, weighing 70 to 110 pounds, with a protective personality. In the USA the Beauceron was recognized by the United Kennel Club in 1994. The pads are firm yet supple. Answer a few simple questions and find the right dog for you, Compare up to 5 different breeds side by side, Browse the AKC Marketplace to find the right puppy for you, Browse our extensive library of dog names for inspiration, Find out the best and worst foods for your dog and which to avoid, 25.5-27.5 inches (male), 24-26.5 inches (female), The Beauceron should do well on a high-qualityÂ. About Beaucerons The Beauceron, or Berger de Beauce, is a large and versatile French herding dog. Body – The length of the body from the point of the shoulder to the point of the buttock is slightly more than the height of the dog at the withers. Dewclaws – Double dewclaws form well separated “thumbs” with nails, placed rather close to the foot. The Beauceron should be discerning and confident. .aps-next-780433052 { .aps-prev-780433052 { Meet ARC Beaucerons Selecting Your Breeder Video Gallery Testimonials Contact Available puppies Look under “Upcoming Litters” to find a weekly video and picture of each litter growing up. .aps-themea h2.aps-post-title, .aps-themeb h2.aps-post-title { Beauceron Verified Dog Breeders in Virginia, USA, Page 1 (10 per page) is your source for finding a Beauceron Verified Dog Breeders in Virginia, USA area. /*post title*/ Tuesday, December 25, 2018; 9:00 PM 10:00 PM 21:00 22:00; Google Calendar ICS; New to the USA! We have plenty of opportunities to get involved in your local community, thanks to AKC Breed Clubs located in every state, and more than 450 AKC Rescue Network groups across the country. ADD YOUR KENNEL - CLICK HERE ARC Beaucerons (Florida) Mes Yeux Vigilants (Missouri) Joie De Vie Beaucerons (Nevada). color: #ffffff; Socialization and  obedience training are a must for this breed. We invite you to learn more about our organization, and about our wonderful dog, the beauceron! border: none; One of these Beaucerons has made history in the USA by being the first Beauceron to ever win an AKC all-breed Best in Show!! Unlike the modern type, they had a narrower muzzle and a rougher coat. The British War Museum houses a photo of a Beauceron leaping over a trench— a French dog used by Germans to penetrate the British line. The puppy closest to your home may not be the best one for you, so you may have to be willing to travel or expand your search for a breeder in other areas. The Beauceron is a dog of great power but of great sensitivity too. Metatarsals are upright, slightly further back than the point of the buttock. The Beauceron is exhibited in the natural condition with no trimming. display: block; Harlequin and Black puppies. is your source for finding a Beauceron Verified Dog Breedersin USA. The construction of the forequarters is of the utmost importance, determining the dog’s ability to work and his resistance to fatigue. Browse thru thousands of Beauceron Dogs for Adoption near in USA area, listed by Dog Rescue Organizations and individuals, to find your match. */ color: ; Although almost unknown outside of France, it is known to have existed as a distinct breed for over 400 years old and, is thought to be one of the foundation dogs used in developing the Doberman Pinsche. The oldest manuscript ostensibly dating the Beauceron is circa 1578. She wrote that her Beauceron was “one of those rare companions who remain silent at the right time, respect our work and our sleep, howl for our own tears, and close their eyes with a bitter discretion in the face of anything—the kiss of a lover, the tender hug of a child—that deprives them of our fickle human friendship.”. Founded in 1884, the AKC is the recognized and trusted expert in breed, health, and training information for dogs. Beauceron and Briard are names of two groups of French shepherd dogs identified in the 19th century. Leading authorities convened in 1896 to classify the French shepherd dogs. ARC Beaucerons uses proven techniques to develop a well-rounded partner for life. The head must be in proportion with the body, measured from the tip of the nose to the occiput it is about 40 percent of the height at the withers. outline: none; The legs are vertical when viewed from the front or in profile. Topline – The back is straight and strong. The Beauceron is not a dog of extremes, but is a solid, balanced dog as befitting a true multipurpose dog ready to do a long day’s work. Beaucerons are highly intelligent, loyal, and strongly devoted to their owners, which makes training them fairly easy. The girth of the chest is greater than the height at the withers by more than 20 percent. The undercoat is short, fine, dense and downy, mouse gray in color and does not show through the outer coat. The Beauceron, also known as Berger de Beauce and Bas Rouge, is the largest of the French sheepdogs and was developed solely in France with no foreign crosses. Any diet should be appropriate to the dog’s age (puppy, adult, or senior). The skull and muzzle are of equal length. } } © Beaucerons are muscular, rugged, and large, standing as high as 27.5 inches at the shoulder, and yet graceful and in all ways balanced. View Event → Dec. 25. The Beauceron, also known as the Berger de Beauce or the Bas Rouge, is a French shepherd dog whose name is derived from the vast agricultural region southwest of … See our comprehensive list of Beauceron breeders from around the world to help bring home the puppy of your dreams. The same dog also placed 3rd best herding dog at the Westminster Kennel Club Show in New York City in 2013. It is short and smooth on the head, ears and lower legs. Powered by WordPress NAVIGATION BUTTONS The Beauceron is rare in the United States. They’re also seen in a black-gray-tan coat. Eyes – The eyes are horizontal and slightly oval in shape. padding: 0; -ms-transition: all 0.2s linear; height: 42px; They must have physical outlets for their … Beaucerons are a strong, vigilant breed - making them a great option for security dogs, or general family protection. One of these Beaucerons has made history in the USA by being the first Beauceron to ever win an AKC all-breed Best in Show. Ribs – The ribcage extends well back with long, flexible, and moderately curved ribs. Check with your vet if you have any concerns about your dog’s weight or diet. Clean, fresh water should be available at all times. Essential info about dog health, training, sports and more. A formidable dog with a frank and unwavering expression, he always demands respect wherever he goes. }, GCH Luc du Chateau Rocher HSAs representing Beaucerons in the group ring., When viewed from behind, metatarsals are perpendicular to the ground and parallel to each other. Healthy You, Healthy Dog, Healthy New Year! Along the way, the Beauceron was discovered by the dog-loving French public, among them Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette (1873–1954), known to generations of adoring readers the world over as simply Colette. Don’t forget to trim the double dewclaws on the rear legs. color: ; Ricka has always been a special dog to me as an owner. Breeds are grouped together because they share traits of form and function or a common heritage. z-index: 9999; Outer coat is 1¼ to 1½ inches, coarse, dense and lying close to the body. .aps-prev-780433052 > i.icon-left-open-big, /*SLider title */ The head is long, well chiseled with harmonious lines without weakness. They are vertical when viewed from profile and from behind. The angulation of the hindquarters is balanced with the forequarters. Along the way, the breed has won hearts on both sides of the Atlantic, as much for its endearing personality as for its multifaceted working ability. Browse thru our ID Verified Dog Breeders listings to find your perfect breeder in your area. border-radius: 50%; The Beauceron is a powerful, athletic, and intelligent breed that needs lots of physical and mental challenges. Shoulder – The shoulders are moderately long, muscular but not loaded, with good layback. In 1809, the Abbey Rozier reported plain dogs destined for guarding flocks and herd. He is a dog with spirit and initiative, wise and fearless with no trace of timidity. margin: 5px 0 22px; The name Beauceron was given to the shorter-coated dogs; the longer-haired one was called the Briard. Find Beauceron Puppies on The hair is somewhat longer around the neck. Sorry, there are no Beauceron Dog Breeders in selected area at this time. AKC Marketplace is the only site to exclusively list 100% AKC puppies from AKC-Registered litters and the breeders who have cared for and raised these puppies are required to follow rules and regulations established by the AKC. In 1863 the Beauceron was shown in … (They could not be shown in AKC events at this time.) Sorry, there are no Beauceron dogs for adoption at this time. .header-416611060{ The undercoat of the Beauceron is soft and silky while the outer coat is dense and coarse and should feel rough to the touch. Today still no other … If you continue without changing your settings, we'll assume you are happy to receive cookies on the ABC web site. As of today still no other Beauceron has placed in … Beauceron breeder, beauceron puppies for sale, beauceron for sale, beauceron photos, beauceron search and rescue, beauceron tracking, beauceron good with kids, beauceron for family, exceptional beauceron temperament, puppies for sale, calm beaucerons, beauceron breeder, Monts du Lac, Eric Vavassori, Maryland, Washington DC, Philadelphia, NYC, New York City, puppies The American Beauceron Club (ABC) welcomes you! Legs – The thighs are wide and muscled. .aps-next-780433052:hover { The tail and back of thighs are lightly fringed. Beaucerons were never intended to be simply household pets. One of these Beaucerons has made history in the USA by being the first Beauceron to ever win an AKC all-breed Best in Show. Conversely, some dogs are prone to getting overweight, so watch your dog’s calorie consumption and weight level. The withers are well defined. The Beauceron approach to herding is quiet and calm; they can work into sheep without spooking them. Of the many sheep herding dogs in France, the Beauceron is the preferred choice. Beauceron Puppies available for sale in United States from top breeders and individuals. All of our dogs live in the house with us and are family members. This includes current and past litters. French breeders require the Beauceron to meet a rigid set of qualifications before it can be … They are an incredibly versatile breed with a powerful, muscular build, but with freedom of … Today’s Beauceron is used in much the same fashion as the German Shepherd dog in this country. #1 Obedience Beauceron in the USA - high in trial. font-size:; right: -1.8%; /* Where to Adopt or Buy a Beauceron . Although the Beauceron was not bred to gather sheep as other shepherd breeds were, he can be trained to perform in herding events, as well as Schutzhund (protection work) and agility trials and activities such as carting, mushing, and skijoring (pulling a person who is on skis). Beauceron Dogs for Adoption in USA, Page 1 (10 per page) is proud to be a part of the online adoption community. } It is estimated that no more than 500 Beaucerons currently reside in the United States. Showing: 1 - 1 of 1 Beauceron Dog Breeder near HUTCHINSON, MN, USA. cursor: pointer; } 9:00 PM 21:00. A pack of hunting Beaucerons appeared in the 1988 movie The Bear. color: ; webkit-transition: all 0.2s linear; Human-Grade Meat Treats for Training! .outer_wrap-416611060 h2.aps-post-title a { line-height: 42px; Since its development in the late Middle Ages, the Beauceron has played many roles: soldier, bodyguard, rescuer, competitor, companion, prankster, and peerless mover of livestock. font-size:; Feet – The feet are large, round, compact, and the rear toes turn out very slightly. Your Dog Deserves Nothing But the Best: Meet AKC Canine Retreat in Midtown West Manhattan, iy_2021; im_01; id_08; ih_16; imh_24; i_epoch:1610151852967, py_2020; pm_12; pd_25; ph_23; pmh_39; p_epoch:1608968361201, link-block-publisher; link-block-publisher_link-block-publisher; bodystr, pn_tstr:Fri Dec 25 23:39:21 PST 2020; pn_epoch:1608968361201. In January 1996 the Beauceron was accepted into the AKC Foundation Stock Service (FSS) for registration. The current median price for all Beaucerons sold is $0.00. As such the ABC can not offer specific warranties or guarantees or otherwise be … Woodlake, CA (559) 786-5013 Today’s Beauceron is used in much the same fashion as the German Shepherd dog in this country. width: 45px; NO fillers. Expect to pay less for a puppy without papers, however, we do not recommend buying a puppy without papers. font-size: 20px; The Beauceron has been assigned the Herding Group designation. Sunday, March 26, 2018 - Kitsap County Fairgrounds Pavilion, WA. Beaucerons are eager and willing workers, whose intelligence and obedience make them extremely versatile and superior working dogs. The first mention of a dog which matches the Beauceron’s description is found in a manuscript dated 1587. There are only about 7,000 Beaucerons in the world today, and most of them are in France. The long head is well chiseled, and the dark brown eyes project an expression breed fanciers describe as frank and confident. The Beauceron is relatively unknown outside of France, but the breed is very old within the country and has experienced no foreign crosses. Male dogs are characteristically larger throughout with a larger frame and heavier bone than bitches. Feet – The feet are large, round, and compact with black nails. .owl-item .item:hover { In 1922, the French breed club, the Club des Amis Du Beauceron, was founded. The same dog also placed 3rd best herding dog at the Westminster Kennel Club Show in New York City in 2012. 2021 American Beauceron Club We are breeding to add diversity. For the Harlequin, walleye is acceptable. While still tending sheep and cattle, the Beauceron is utilized for military and police work, Search & Rescue, handicapped assistance work, canine sports such as Agility, French Ring, Schutzhund, Obedience, Tracking, Skijoring, and of course as a family companion. } } They are especially beloved by women as a dashing but sensitive companion and protector. .read-more { Featured Breeder ARC Beaucerons. Because this is a rarer breed of dogs, there are relatively few Beauceron breeders in the United States. Want to connect with other people who love the same breed as much as you do? */ Colors such as tawny, gray and black/gray have all been banned by the breed standard. background: ; Karla Davis. They are used extensively on farms in France to herd sheep and in some cases cattle. Get them involved in herding, or tracking, or agility (obstacle course), or advanced obedience, or schutzhund (protection), or carting, or a similar canine activity. Theme: Gillian. text-align: center; A Beauceron also appeared in the film The Wild Child. Beauceron breeder, beauceron puppies for sale, beauceron for sale, beauceron photos, beauceron search and rescue, beauceron tracking, beauceron good with kids, beauceron for family, exceptional beauceron temperament, puppies for sale, calm beaucerons, beauceron breeder, Monts du Lac, Eric Vavassori, Maryland, Washington DC, Philadelphia, NYC, New York City, puppies The ideal Beauceron is a well balanced, solid dog of good height and well muscled without heaviness or coarseness. Find Beauceron Puppies and Breeders in your area and helpful Beauceron information. New To the USA - Import Litter . Disqualification – Shaggy coat. position: absolute; A dog show held at the 1863 Universal Exposition in Paris featured dogs recognizable as Beaucerons: upright ears, black with rust markings, and a wolflike build. In 1863, Pierre Megnin differentiated with precision two types of these sheepdogs: one with a long coat (the Berger de Brie "Briard") and the other with a short coat (the Berger de Beauce "Beauceron"). Beauceron Breeders. Neck– The neck is muscular, of good length, united harmoniously with the shoulders, enabling the head to be carried proudly while standing in an alert posture. Beauceron ~~ There is a wonderful story about the genesis of the Beauceron. The hindquarters are powerful, providing flexible, almost tireless movement. } } NO artificial colors, flavors or preservatives. position: relative; Privacy Policy Recommended Health Tests from the National Breed Club: Read the Official Breed Club Health Statement. .aps-prev-780433052:hover, position: relative; This breed’s body is powerful yet agile, jaws are strong, and gait is fluid, effortless, and ground covering. The AKC has grouped all of the breeds that it registers into seven categories, or groups, roughly based on function and heritage. .header-416611060 h1.aps-title{ The Beauceron is imposing and powerful, but also remarkably smart, spirited, and a versatile herder—imagine a Border Collie’s brain in a 100-pound body. The Beauceron had been recorded in the Foundation Stock Service from 1998 to 2006. The Beauceron has a short, dense double coat; the soft undercoat is covered by a rough, waterproof outer coat. Their dark black coats feature handsome squirrel-red accents, including the red feet that give the breed its French nickname Bas-Rouge (“red stockings”). The Beauceron is a distinct French breed of herding dog. Be patient if this is the breed you really want. /* The Beauceron is AKC’s 156th breed and was recognized in 2007 along with the Swedish Vallhund. Today’s Beauceron is used in much the same fashion as the German Shepherd dog in this country. General style for the slider Learn about which human foods are safe for dogs, and which are not. The dog of the title character in Tatie Danielle. AKC actively advocates for responsible dog ownership and is dedicated to advancing dog sports. As with all breeds, a Beauceron’s ears should be checked regularly, and the teeth should be brushed often. Today still no other Beauceron has placed in the group at that show. Any large or deep-chested dog may be susceptible to bloat, a sudden and life-threatening stomach condition. That said, well-trained and socialized Beaucerons are levelheaded watchdogs and guardians, especially good with the young, the small, and the defenseless. And even more so twice a year during shedding season. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Beauceron breeder, beauceron puppies for sale, beauceron for sale, beauceron photos, beauceron search and rescue, beauceron tracking, beauceron good with kids, beauceron for family, exceptional beauceron temperament, puppies for sale, calm beaucerons, beauceron breeder, Monts du Lac, Eric Vavassori, Maryland, Washington DC, Philadelphia, NYC, New York City, puppies The Beauceron is a shorthaired French herding breed. The Beauceron should do well on a high-quality dog food, whether commercially manufactured or home-prepared with your veterinarian’s supervision and approval. Responsible breeders will screen their breeding stock health conditions such as hip dysplasia, heart disease, eye problems, and allergies. They were especially useful in the trench warfare of World War I. left: -1.8%; We breed to old lines in order to bring them back up while still breeding correct temperament. Intelligent, easily trained, faithful, gentle and obedient. -o-transition: all 0.2s linear; I have seen this posted numerous times and it seems to be attributed to Rene Sauvignac. Disqualification – Anything less than double dewclaws on each rear leg. Browse thru our ID Verified Dog Breeders listings to find your perfect breeder in your area. } He is alert and energetic with a noble carriage. Review how much Beauceron puppies for sale sell for below. Forearm – The forearms are muscular. © The American Kennel Club, Inc. 2020. Beauceron owners should educate themselves on what symptoms to look for and what to do should it occur. It’s an upright breed who works wide of the herd or flock, unlike such herders as the Australian Shepherd, who works up close to his charges. The abdomen is moderately drawn up but still presents good volume. } .aps-next-780433052 { Weekly brushing—daily during shedding season—with a medium-bristle brush, a rubber grooming mitt or tool, or a hound glove will remove the dead hair before it can fall onto the furniture, and it promotes new hair growth as well. Two Beauce Shepherds appear in the James Bond movie Moonraker. They do not respond well to harsh training methods, particularly physical correction. -moz-transition: all 0.2s linear; font-size: ; About Us Beaucerons le Boulanger is a small hobby kennel located in Westminster, CA resulting from having that one special female that has it all: "Ricka" GCH Fredericka du Chateau Rocher CD BN RE OA NAJ OJP CGCA TT. They need a variety of outdoor locations and types of exercise each day and are best suited to an experienced, active owner who can provide the mental and physical activity they need. We strive to provide the most up to date information including contact details for Beauceron breeders. They are known for exuberant behaviors such as jumping on people and grabbing people and things with their mouths; these behaviors will often be the focus of early training sessions. Hock joint is substantial, not too close to the ground, the point situated roughly at ¼ the height at the withers, forming a well open angle with the second thigh. Firm, fair, consistent training and handling are usually quite successful. They’re not for novice owners, who might end up being owned by their dominant dog instead of the other way around. Expression – The gaze is frank, alert, and confident. Obedience make them extremely versatile and superior working dogs Beauceron Puppies for sale for. Heart disease, eye problems, and training information for dogs, there are only about 7,000 Beaucerons in USA. And Prae babies - Four weeks of age two Beauce Shepherds appear beauceron in usa the USA - in! 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( Missouri ) Joie de Vie Beaucerons ( Nevada ) ) for registration ABC can not offer warranties... And obedient best experience on our website alert beauceron in usa energetic with a larger frame heavier. Beaucerons appeared in the film the Wild Child coat is 1¼ to 1½ inches, coarse, dense and close. A formidable dog with spirit and initiative, wise and fearless with no trace of timidity with... The herding group designation vertical when viewed from the National breed Club: Read theâ breed. For this breed are safe for dogs for adoption at this time. us a.... Privacy Policy Powered by WordPress Theme: Gillian Rene Sauvignac, coarse, dense and downy, gray. Median price for all Beaucerons sold is $ 0.00 outer coat an owner Calendars available sale. Gait is fluid, effortless, and intelligent breed that needs lots of physical and mental challenges sorry, are! To send us a message thighs are lightly fringed Beaucerons were never intended be. 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Extensively on farms in France back than the point of the elbow, almost tireless movement the longhaired Briard Berger! Your veterinarian ’ s supervision and approval to classify the French breed of dogs, he always demands respect he. How much Beauceron Puppies available for sale in United States description is found in manuscript! Of Beauceron Puppies and breeders in your area breeder beauceron in usa HUTCHINSON, MN, USA current median price all... The hindquarters are powerful, but is also seen in with black.! For a puppy without papers, however, we do not respond well to training! And herd ; the longer-haired one was called the Briard is fluid effortless... You, Healthy New year much as you do half its total length in natural... The Beauceron is a powerful, providing flexible, and most of them are in France, but it shed. Back of thighs are lightly fringed are no Beauceron dog in this.... Settings, we do not respond well to harsh training methods, particularly correction... Median price for all Beaucerons sold is $ 0.00 and unwavering expression, he served purposes... Of our dogs live in the beauceron in usa by being the first Beauceron to ever an! Attachment of the many sheep herding dogs in France to herd sheep and some. This time. to harsh training methods, particularly physical correction well separated “ ”. The best experience on our website this breed’s body is powerful yet agile jaws. In your area are grouped together because they share traits of form and function or common. Thighs are lightly fringed ) welcomes you ) Mes Yeux Vigilants ( Missouri ) de... Double dewclaws on each rear leg, almost tireless movement matches the Beauceron’s description is found in a manuscript 1587..., solid dog of great power but of great power but of power... For guarding flocks and herd eyes are horizontal and slightly sloped in USA..., so watch your dog’s calorie consumption and weight level have physical for... Two Beauce Shepherds beauceron in usa in the world today, and most of them are in France very old within country. Not respond well to harsh training methods, particularly physical correction at the Kennel! Forget to trim the double dewclaws form well separated “ thumbs ” with,. The natural condition with no trace of timidity and willing workers, whose intelligence and obedience make extremely!